
There’s a lot of variety of foods out there, losing bread/pasta isn’t exactly a deathblow. It’s also kind of presumptuous that you think the people into keto have never in their life tried another diet, and made an informed decision about which they prefer or find more effective.

I eat keto because it’s easy to manage

When your body is capable of readily burning fat for energy, it no longer triggers as aggressive a hunger response when you don’t have glycogen stores. Eating keto, I can fast for a 18-36 hours accidentally and not feel ravenous, just a small amount of easily ignored background hunger. On a regular diet if I missed a

If you eat too many carbs on keto, you’ll get kicked out of ketosis until your body has burned through the glycogen it stored from your consuming the carbs. If you just continue eating keto after a slip, you will be back in ketosis in a few hours or maybe a couple days. No biggie. If you have a lot of carbs, you’ll

Unless you are a man. Except if you are a gay man or a communist. Or possibly a fish man.

Jesus Christ that movie was the apotheosis of unsubtle.

Why would you presume that violent revolution based on economics today, in 2018, would go the same way as the French revolution (or presumably a number of others), after we’ve had the entirety of the 20th century to watch the repeated complete and total failures of multiple communist/socialist revolutions, and the

See, this comment suggests that you haven’t seen Pain and Gain.

The market has been addicted to quantitative easing since 2009. Since the fed is no longer buying up all the fed notes, wages are going up, and Janet Yellen just stepped down (and mouthed off immediately afterwards about the market being overvalued), investors assumed that we’re about to see greater inflation which

Fucking n00bs, always showering in the squat rack!

Might have been an interesting way to go with it. One of the things that I liked about Hanna was that it showed that Erik and Hanna (who had functionally the same training and mindset) were not like, say, Jason Bourne. Military staff doing their jobs get in the way of your escape route? Kill them. Cops hassle you and

A couple points. Hanna was some sort of genetically engineered super soldier prototype, which was why they put so much resources into trying to capture/kill her.

And streaming apps like Kodi that let you stream pretty much and show or movie at any time for free. So, the technology changed, but piracy didn’t really.

There it is.

You’d be surprised how many people think Black Irish means something else. It’s dispiriting.

Black Irish just means dark haired and blue eyed.

Well, the show is based on a four season long British show in which the Frank-equivalent character becomes the prime minister and is eventually assassinated with his wife’s complicit help. So there’s that.

Well, the show is based on a four season long British show in which the Frank-equivalent character becomes the prime minister and is eventually assassinated with his wife’s complicit help. So there’s that.

Incorrect because you are not considering how real military flamethrowers work. They spray flaming napalm in a 160-260"-long lance. That fuel coats and sticks to whatever it hits and keeps burning.

On top of that, clothes and hair burn just fine. I would imagine burning hair (if the zombies still had hair) would help

The Stanley Hotel provided the basis for King to write The Shining.

Sure, it would mostly be useful for outdoors fighting of full on hordes of zombies.