
Hileman lost credibility when he lumped Krugman in as a “very smart” person. Krugman is a fucking idiot.

He was wrong about the internet (saying it’s long term impact would be about the same as the fax machine). He was wrong about Bitcoin. He was wrong about the economy after Trump was elected. He’s wrong more often

Counterpoint: a large Walking Dead style herd of zombies could be destroyed easy with a few seconds of flamethrower hosing, as each zombie that begins to burn can cause others to ignite, and just the heat of dozens of other zombies engulfed in flames would start cooking the ones nearby that were not yet themselves on

If we go with the “destroy the brain” theory for zombie killing, I would assume that being engulfed in flames would cook/destroy a human brain in pretty short order.

The train they are building right now is behind schedule, nearly thirty billion over budget, and won’t be particularly useful if ever completed. It ever being completed is pretty dubious at this point.

I don’t actually waste much time on social media. I waste more time reading news articles when I’m walking around. Going without a phone would just be a way to not feel leashed by constant access/communication.

But, again, the utility of smartphones is killer.

I recently thought about just ditching using a mobile phone altogether, but it would be a pain in the ass to go without GPS navigation, Uber, and Moviepass. And maybe YouTube.

Ask California just how that plan is working out for them.

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Fantasy by DyE if we’re counting vaguely Cthulhu mythos stuff.

I don’t think you’re nailing this whole parenting thing. Contrary to popular opinion, not everyone’s children are awful little shits between ages of 10 and 32.

The Red is also a pretty fantastic song.

Yeah, “pulled your dick out in the car in front of your girlfriend and wanted head” is, at worst, a bit of jerk move. At best, a welcome invitation to public-but-not-really sex. In either, case, not exactly of a scale with a lot of the shit that’s been coming out in public lately.

Really? Because I know someone who mugged at gunpoint last week. I know a woman who was purse snatched (and punch in the face) a couple of years ago, and two others that were assaulted for their iPhones. Mugging hasn’t exactly dried up.

Wouldn’t you?

I’d assume you’d want your super soldier to feel less pain, not no pain.

Fat is flavor and fuel. Sugar is, basically, poison.

If you have a better metric for measuring average strength, feel free to produce data on that. Your anecdotal and totally not made up stories of cowing men with your thunderous squat-rack magnificence don’t cut the mustard.

Good for you. And here’s actual data from a CDC study of over 7,000 people showing that almost all men are stronger than almost all women.

Power brakes are exactly what they sound like, and most modern cars have them. There is no direct mechanical transfer of force between the pedal and the brake pads with a power brake, so the comparative strength with which the pedal is depressed doesn’t matter as much.

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If you compare a small man (say, 5'8 and 140lbs) to a comparatively large and muscular woman of the same dimensions, the man’s going to be stronger almost every time. The benefits of testosterone.
