
Yes, but imagine...a dinosaur with a gun. Now what, Smarty McSmarterton?

The idea of a ‘weaponised Dinosaur hybrid’ is just incredibly dumb. A genetically hybridised dinosaur is a genuinely terrible idea for a weapon. You spent billions making an uncontrollable monster that can easily be killed with small arms fire

out here in california it’s been pretty gloomy and gray for the last 3 weeks and as of right now it’s cloudy and 68 outside. in fact i think i read this is the coldest may we have had here in years.

Yes. Women’s bathrooms are fucking disgusting. It’s at least a daily occurrence at my office that I open the door to a stall and the toilet has not been flushed or there is piss on the seat.

I sometimes use the women’s restroom at our local public park and can confirm this. They are not what guys think they are. The ones at the mall are especially gross too.

Have you ever been in a bathroom used only be a woman, let alone one with multiple women? They’re fucking disaster zones.

John with the traffic question, I have 2 words: ZIPPER MERGE.

Well, I guess you guys at the AV Club got what you wanted all long. Pop the champagne!

Signs makes a lot more sense when you realize they aren’t aliens, they’re demons. They aren’t weak to water, they’re weak to holy water.

I’m not rock hard, I’M MINERAL HARD MARIE.

Then think of it in terms of book.

There’s nothing quite like a browse through Netflix’s selection, at any given month, to make you really think movies just suck fucking ass. Part of it is how they repurpose a lot of the same movies and shuffle them into different genres, so by the time you’ve seen a piece of crap like “Just Friends” keep popping up as

I don’t really see this going anywhere, but I could be wrong. This is a complicated process and Fox/Disney are already six months into it, I don’t think shareholders want to start over. And I have to imagine there is a pretty hefty penalty in place if Fox tries to back out. Plus, Disney stock is doing very well and

THIS, SO MUCH THIS. They wonder why people pirate shit, because when you need to run 1 of 5 different services to stream whatever new movie came out, or you can’t rent it you can only buy it, or its only available in HD when you’d prefer 4k, or its just fucking frustrating to find even, what do you think is going to

I’m kind of shocked at the difference from the music industry. An album comes out and it’s immediately on amazon, spotify, google, whatever other streaming, and of course satellite radio.

Comcast’s decision to bring cold hard cash to the table is a bold move that can’t be ignored.

You’re gonna need a chest seal for a sucking chest wound. Which would be a good thing to have next to the Israeli bandage in the IFAK (individual first aid kit), along with some hemostatic agent or impregnated bandages to slow bleeding.

  • If the cougar attacks, fight back aggressively and try to stay on your feet. Cougars have been driven away by people who have fought back.

Look, this guy said some shitty stuff that I am sure he regrets in the light of day.