
...First of His Name.

no offense to these substitutes, but i hate them all so far.

When you call the cops, they have to follow the minimum protocol. The cops did not follow this girl around or randomly pull her aside for her ID. They were CALLED to the scene.

To be fair, Yale university police did follow protocol and checked ID. Given our current environment with shootings, that is justified.

More like Pooperintendent amirite

I would counter with while it can certainly happen in a society that embraces capitalism, we’ll agree that theocratic/despotic/tyrannic/autocratic/democratic (even them!)/whatever certainly has vast examples of misuse of power for personal gain. Power corrupts.

Uh, even if he said “Naziism is the way to go,” he should have the right to say that. Or do you not support the freedom of speech?

I concur with Zod, read your fucking history man.

“If you currently live in a capitalist society, you have some experience with this.”

It makes absolutely no sense that she would go into battle with her cleavage exposed because that’s the sort of physical vulnerability that would quickly get a person killed.

Hot take: You’re an absolute child if you make a scene over a break up public or private.

It’s clear in the movie it’s not just loud noises, it’s a specific otherwise-inaudible (to humans) high-frequency noise. Basically feedback. So while it’s still somewhat unlikely that no one would stumble across this (and the movie leaves plenty of room for other survivors), it’s much less stupid than you seem to

GRRM has simply written himself into a hole that is an absolute slog to get out of. Everyone gave the show shit for using fast travel and cutting plot threads, but look what happens if you don’t do that. You get stuck in the mud and never move forward. Not to mention GRRM using an ancient computer so when he wants to

Now wait a minute! We’re twice as smart as the people over at Paramount! Just tell us your idea and we’ll greenlight it!

There was never any service — the whole thing was faked. ‘bullies’ were switching their Steam names to ‘bully hunter’ names DURING the stream. Utterly cooked up.

Sounds more like a publicity stunt.

This is probably the most opinionated piece of garbage I’ve ever read.