
If the colony is several generations old, I assume they’ve tackled the problem of Mars not being the kind of place to raise a kid, and the lack of anyone there to raise them.

Me in Emily blunt!

Hasnt worked a day in his life? Hahahahahaha

Tons of framing jobs in California. The whole construction industry is suffering from lack of labor.

How much more dark could these crimes be? The answer is none. None more dark.

I work on a frac location, it’s 100% safety first these days. The worst accidents I’ve personally seen are lacerations and a few broken ankles from tripping over iron and hoses. There’s tons of different jobs out here and a frac location is pretty damn safe. I can’t soeak for a drill rig I’ve never worked on one.

The jobs are there. We are at 4% unemployment. That is considered full employment by the Feds.

Nepotism...in Hollywood? There goes the last remaining shred of my innocence!

RE: the photo at the top of the post.

Once you see those ears, you instantly believe they actually can hear a pin drop from miles away.

This is basically Snakes on a Plane. We know it’s going to be a trashy movie. We know it’s going to have a bunch of overly strong winks and nudges to the audience. We know it’s not going to be good, and will likely be forgotten outside of memes within a year.

The Void was really disappointing. It started off really stong, but went straight downhill. I did appreciate the use of practical effects though

I have no idea how people find our little movies, but it never gets old seeing comments about them on websites I’ve been reading for so many years. THANK YOU!

that was my problem with It comes at Night - I like world-building thats lightly sketched but it was so lightly sketched that there wasn’t enough to care about.

The Rock’s been trying to start a Ravencroft campaign for years, and everyone else was into it, but Diesel just kept throwing tantrums until everyone agreed to another Forgotten Realms adventure.

“In my dying breath I cast Self-Revive!” “There’s a Mist of Occlusion in the pit.” “Bullshit there is!”

I like to imagine that the whole fight was over Dungeons and Dragons. Like Vin was running his weekly Fast and the Furios Family D&D game and he was just a total dick and killed off The Rocks 15th level Paladin with a silly mid dungeon trap. Now they are no longer on speaking terms


I’m normally with you on everything you write, but I took this in a totally different way. I took this as “the culture and demographics in this town has changed substantially, which has an impact on people, but politicians have not felt that impact because they are sheltering themselves from the change”. I took it

My marriage was an hilarious opposite of that. Hot wife demanded open relationship from me, the fat husband. Fat husband says okay I'll lose weight and do whatever it takes to keep our relationship healthy and monogamous. Wife cheats without hesitation before anything can be worked out. Fat husband divorces hot wife.