
Why do you hate happiness? Happy people were doing silly shit and someone got hurt, happens all the time. It's her foot, it'll heal - and I'm sure the guy can cover the cost just fine.

I did not know Stifler was a friend of Dorothy. But I was not surprised at all about Taylor Lautner. Fucking gay llama.

I like the cut of your jib.

Well yes, but teaching someone a new addition to there sexual repertoire is something you do with a significant other (or at least repeat customer). And since most girls are terrible at handys, I think most men wouldn't know where to start as to how to teach their partner what to do (it's not what we do at all,

Yeah, sometimes I think the only thing most women take bedroom pride in are their BJ capabilities, and sometimes their skill while on top.

This seems like just another bedroom skillset to me, and it's a little disappointing more women don't care enough to learn it. I'm no fan of the handy, but that's because I have never (to the best of my recollection) had a girl go for it and do something that felt really good. But clearly some women know what

Doctors don't test for herpes because the likelihood of a false-negative is extremely high when there are not symptoms (lesions) presenting, because the herpes isn't shedding the virus into your bloodstream. Diagnosis usually occurs when someone shows up presenting visible symptoms and the blood work confirms it.

DING DING DING. Black women have the highest rate because a statistically LARGE chunk of young black men are in prison at any given time, meaning the pool of single women is larger, meaning the remaining men end up having sex with more partners than the women.

At issue in the case wasn't whether affirmative action was itself a legal policy; rather, it specifically upheld the right of Michigan voters to ban affirmative action via popular vote. Which is a sort of silly way to go about it, when you think about it, because the whole point of affirmative action is to prevent

The OP never responded to me you twit. this isn't a 19th century Parisian parlour, it's a comments second. Toughen up.

She wasn't being critical, she was rejecting it out of hand.The CDC tracks herpes diagnoses, and its pretty easy compare it's levels among various groups. In fact, it's about a simple a "study" as possible, because it isn't a study it is simply comparing the levels of diagnosed cases of illness among various groups.

You realize that comparing the rates of various exceedingly common diseases among various groups of people (based on diagnosis records) is ridiculously simple right? The CDC tracks that shit every year.

You're advocating ignoring medical studies that hurt your feelings and I'm the one with an intelligence and maturity problem? Lol.

Dawwwwww, did I hurt your delicate fweelings with my nasty hatefacts? Sooooooorrrrrryyy.

Because I find people whose react to facts they dislike by ignoring them intellectually repugnant.

But the single people continue to have lots of sex with different partners. It's not complicated.

She's not questioning it, she's just flatly stating she doesn't believe them without offering any counter evidence or suggestion as to how to investigate the issue. It is equivalent to saying "I don't believe we went to the moon, I think the footage was faked" without offering any basis for that belief.

Then maybe you should read the fucking medical studies articles like this are based on?

Because 1) single people usually fuck more people than those in monogamous marriages, and 2) the older you get as a single person the higher your partner count is likely to be.

Edit: and what I mean by better is that G.R.R. Martin is not very good at sex dialogue or the like, and I think the show did a better job of depicting a messed up lustful hate/grief grudge-fuck between two people in a messed up relationship than his dialogue did.