I agree that the scene didn't convey the intended nature of the interaction between the characters as clearly as the book did, though I think it did so better and more realistically.
I agree that the scene didn't convey the intended nature of the interaction between the characters as clearly as the book did, though I think it did so better and more realistically.
Forgot about that one. Definitely bad. And, to the point you were making above, the later castration just goes to the same point: really bad shit happens to characters in this series, rape isn't even the worst of it.
You mean they episode where he got castrated? Rape is terrible, but I can say with almost 100% certainty that nearly all men would prefer to be raped (particularly by someone of the gender they are attracted to) than be castrated by a psycho with a knife.
Because in the context it's not really rape, or at the very least no more rape than was depicted in the book. Re-read the passage from the book excerpted above, Cersei doesn't switch from "no" to "hurry make it quick" until Jamie is already inside her. That makes it not much different from the scene in the episode in…
Except this is a case about a gay man, partying with other gay men, making testosterone explicitly part of the equation and your bullshit blank-slatism explicitly not part of it. Do try to keep up.
Possibly, but given that Latinos are about 17% of the population I'd say it's a ways to go.
Except the audience is white, so it fosters viewer/character identification. If you are going for a mainstream audience, as you do on a film with a budget upwards of $150M, you go for putting as many asses in the seats as possible, and viewer identification matters.
It's so that if someone is hiding in the parked vehicle next to your driver's side they can't pop out and snatch you while your back's turned.
You can either be "distressed" or express facetious confusion, indicating both shows what exactly? You are distressed that this might of have happened but think the plaintiff is an opportunist if it did?
Plaintiff waited 12+ years because he was a twink for hire but eventually decided he had enough information to credibly blackmail a famous rich person, or sue them if that went south.
There are all kinds of statutes of limitations for civil suits. Either he picked a cause of action for which the civil suit has not run, or Hawaii has a lax SOLs. Probably the latter, hence why this wasn't filed in CA where Singer lives.
I agree with him that shoehorned in diversity is distracting. If a movie set in the mythical ancient Middle East was liberally sprinkled with Latinos or Vietnamese people, it would draw my attention.
I would assume the correct statement would be "is gradually having her dad's chin and jawline whittled down"