
This is why Mel Gibson will always remain a friend and savior for Robert Downey Jr:

I think RDJ is still perceived as a bit of conservative prick in the industry, especially in business matters and his take on the prison system seems narrow (considering it is a corporate industry) and naive. That said, his blackface was a successful satirical jab at the idea of a white actor wearing blackface, and

One of the best video games I've ever played.

Gonna leave this here and run...cause someone is *sniff* chopping onions.

Get over yourself. Gamergate isn't going away, and no amount of temper tantrums will change that. The fake feminists thought they could start shit with gamers, and now they're finding out that gamers don't really like being called misogynists and other names just because they ignore and/or ridicule the imbecilic

I'd offer one mild correction. It's true that this is probably the most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege we've seen in a long while, but the double-bind is that even though these are straight white males, they're the straight white males who are at the bottom of the totem pole. They're nurds. This is why

And steak. And crappy asian food. And good asian food. And as I have discovered, Taco's and Taco related food entities.

This will be a disaster. Trying to be as good or one up Bill Murray with women replacements, not gonna happen. Why not do an all female version of Animal House. Who would they use to replace Jim Belushi? Same situation, would be a complete disaster.

Women can't be funny.

If they leave this scene out I don't know why they'd even bother.

Violent rape is a deliberate crime, there is no popular cultural institution in this country preaching apologetics for violent rapists. Yes, rape culture is a huge fucking problem and non violent rape can be every bit as damaging and predatory, but it is a culture problem. Violent rapists are willful criminals. They

The kicker is men are more likely to be targeted with violent assault. They are also more likely to be murdered.

I mean, not walking and smartphoning has all sorts of pros- such as not walking into *incoming traffic*. Being aware of your surroundings has benefits beyond your own safety, such as ensuring the safety of

Jezebel has frothed itself into the ridiculous position that the police department offering tips on how to protect yourself from criminals is misogyny.

Thieves, rapist and general criminals know what they are doing is wrong, they just don't think about anyone but themselves. Sure educational changes might set some people on a better path but there are still going to be criminal around.

Um - no - it's called cosmetic and restorative surgery and treatment. Can we stop pretending that for many aging women in the public eye that it is all just natural? It's not. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But let's be clear - mmmkay? Signed: A 50 year old who doesn't have the money right now

How in the hell did they think this kid wasn't going to brag? I'd have told anyone who would listen if this happened to me when I was 16. I'd have taken out a fucking full page ad in the newspaper.

He's 16. What would have happened if that "child" had committed a violent crime? There's be outrage if we didn't try him as an adult. But when sex is involved, we're suddenly all concerned about the "saftey of the children". Either a 16 year old is a child or they're an adult. They hypocracy of jumping back and

He's full of shit, as are all the members of RATM. Morello is worth like $30 million and lives in a gated mansion in Los Angeles. Flies in private jets everywhere. He is the definition of a "caviar communist".