
To all those people who are so offended that they’re being called racists just for voting for Trump - go fuck yourselves. You may not consider yourself racist, but you looked at a man with a long well-documented history of racist words and deeds, who was running an explicitly racist campaign that was managed by a

Looking at all of the people Donny is giving positions to, the conman’s con is even more successful since all of them are well established grifters and could never find themselves in these positions of power based on their own merits.

With these appointments, the eventual failure of the Trump Administration is now all but guaranteed. The only question is how many of the rest of us will get taken down with him when he crashes and burns...

I never started.

Are we done giving him a chance yet?

“What’s wrong with being racy?”

The acceptability of a person’s radical views can be determined by this handy color chart.

Hey! I have a great idea! Why don’t you wear what you want and everyone else can wear what they want. You don’t criticize or, frankly, even comment on what they wear, and they won’t criticize or comment on what you wear.

I can’t save anybody. That’s not the fucking point for me. The point is to share that I know racism and sexism and other hate is alive and well. That my blinders have been ripped off my face. Fuck you for making it an ugly thing to do that.

A local Arab-American activist said the safety pins mattered to the Muslim community, because that way they don’t feel so alone.

Click the link, there are 50 people listed, and that’s just ONE list. Everyone knows that Capitol Hill has tons of young female interns, that’s how Bill met Monica!

And now he is being surrounded by politicians, ugly, old politicians rather than young teen and 20-something ladies in revealing pageant wear. Capitol Hill where a 45 year old is considered “a baby”. This is hell for him. Just hell.

You can tell who’s getting ready to run the show by counting the smiles.

And he’s surrounded by people that hate him. 92% of D.C. voted for Clinton.

Thank you Ashley!

Throughout the campaign, Trump flew back to NYC nearly every single night because he can’t stand sleeping away from Trump Tower. Now he’s got to spend four years in Washington. He hates this.

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

“So you have no plans for the job and no desire to do it, eh? Fuck yeah you’re hired.”

May his supporters feel the same level of joy as he does.