

I always thought it was “grabtastic” but I like grabasstic most of all. +2 cheeks

Fuck Jimbo Fisher and the rotating cast of white-privilege asshats he rode in on.

Collectors, yes. Bill collectors.

Ice Tea?

Well said.


+1 because you mean it. Passion, in right direction 👏

Ah thank you. I thought it was because Jabari was Canadian.

What’s the obvious reason? It’s not clear with this beam in mine eye.

4 hours old and only 120 comments. Hmmm. Seems like He might be suppressing the vote here. At least Tebow hasn’t grabbed anyone in the burning bush, that we know of.

“69" minute train delay? Knowing Tampa like I do, they were ready to back at 68 minutes but head greenskeeper Dwayne Ronnie Chisholm thought it would be hilarious to wait the extra minute. His friends agreed.

What?! “Celly’d” is the best thing about this piece!

Each one that contains the word “honestly.”

Sign needs more colors.

That joke will never get Olerude.

Move over, I’m getting in with you. #colormeconfused

Ahhh Fenway. There’s not a better place to stick up for the rights of whitey than at Fenway Park.

Word! There is nothing redeeming about Florida State except that it’s easy to find from the highway.

But wait Sarah. How am I to feel about this? On the one hand, an American won a race that has been won by Kenyans the last 20 years, so +1 for America. But we shut out the Kenyans and probably the Ethiopians, and #kenyanlivesmatter so -1 for America. But on the other hand they did get the community involved, and that