
That’s just bad luck Chive. All the other regions have reported their food is top-notch.

Univision is a company that operates unilaterally in every market it does business. They run it like a Latin state-controlled fiefdom with very little empathy for actual journalism or empathy for their employees. Their pride and joy is “unique telenovellas every 52 weeks.” They are NOT a news organization. They are an

There’s a time and a place for that, and it’s not now.

Ohio grown, indeed

Bwaaaaa!!! 👍👍

“She stands out because bi and large”?

Ashlyn and Alyssa? Naw. I have it on good authority that Colby, Tanner, and Madison are far superior keepers, and frankly people.

“You get the penis you deserve, not the penis you want. And that penis is me.”

“He who controls the placement of their posts of goal shall never want for victory.”

How about instead of “A Couple of Punts” we go with "A Pair of Cu..." never mind.

“He really did.”

Omg. Yes. WBC. Ha!

“Stand your ground.”

Despite the NFL’s attempt to assert authority for which it never bargained, and its embarrassing refusal to thoughtfully consider the fair question and viewpoint of a man who has performed his job in a public arena at the highest level for over fifteen years...

Lochte, we hardly knew ye...

What does it say about the collective intelligence of the other dingdongs that Lochte, who would be hard-pressed to out-think a bag of dicks, is the only one who managed to evade capture by fleeing the country?

Hey mom!! Did you do something to my Twitter account?!

Yeah, I wonder what those intelligent people (who know to start sentences with a capital and end them with a period) make of all this.