
I hope Roger doesn’t see this comment, the Patriots can ill afford Brady being suspended another 4 games.

Am I the only one hoping this is just a long con of Trump’s of which his final goal is to the bankrupt the NFL, making room for a USFL renaissance?

and ex-players refusing to let their kids play football for fear of concussions (“You’d have a hard time coming up with a lot of names who would say that”).

It’s very fortunate for the silly, helpless women in Roger’s family that he’s there to explain this to them.

I’m from Gainesville, have family from Tampa and the rural areas south of Tallahassee (Medark, Madison), and can confirm that Florida is chock full of crazy racists.

Nope. Everyone who voted for an avowed bigot for any reason at all knowing he was a bigot...is a bigot.

And that’s exactly my point.

I’m sure there are many different reasons why people voted for Donald Trump, and I’m also sure that Florida has more than 4.61 million racists.

Also, maybe you want to do a report on Trump wearing black socks with blue pants. I believe you want to match your socks to the suit pants, and while matching them with your shoes is OK, I guess, you’d think a billionaire president-elect would be looking sharper on his first trip to his new home.

What you are describing is one of the unintended consequences of our pay to play style of governance, (corporatocracy), and it has had a huge impact on how our country is now starting to circle the drain.

I am not bleeding from my eyes, I’m bleeding from my wherever.

This comment and others like it is has been hilarious based on the fact the president-elects entire schtick was attacking other peoples cultures and views. Thats why people liked him.

Whew, boy! One thing I’ve learned from the internet is how much white people hate to be called racist. Boy, y’all (I’m assuming you’re white, Sean Brody) really hate that shit, huh? Your response to this well-written commentary is “stop making me feel racist and maybe then I’d tell you why I decided to vote for the

Yes, poor people should start buying up media conglomerates.

They absolutely do not; refusing to vote is not a statement in any active sense of the term--it is passive acceptance of decisions that others will make for the silent person.

To abstain from voting and then whine about the result is the very epitome of entitled, privileged bullshit. “I don’t like the game, so I’m not

No they don’t. They’re the most culpable.

Oh stop the bullshit. Trump had one message, kick out the foreigners. And racists middle American and the south responded. How many times did Trump supporters say being PC was destroying America. PC meaning putting up with minorities. Go fuck yourself and your bullshit excuse for choosing a racist President.

I hope Trump sends the rest of their jobs overseas and the region completely dies after last night. I don’t care about how awful and petty that sounds. Clinton planned to give new ckean energy plans to the region; Mango Mussolini has no plan, and I hpe they fucking choke on it.

Voting for a candidate that espouses those things is an endorsement of them. A person can feel all the entitlement they want to a good job they once had, and believe that Trump is somehow going to move an iPhone factory to Wisconsin so you can keep stamping metals or whatever, but if you place those motives above

White communities in suburban areas, like my home of suburban Wayne County (Detroit) have seen successful economic rebounds and improvements since the bottoming out of 2006 - 2010.