
At least you got a hole-in-one!

in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary [sic] while you serve that job

Just incredible assholes. Makes me boil with anger. I kinda want to fight these guys.

He’s like that girlfriend you date right before you get engaged. She gets you to the point of commitment but her cats drive you fucking crazy and you realize you are “this” close.

So, basically, he yet again conned the entire media apparatus into breathlessly covering every banal statement and demonstrable lie he made, and got more free advertising for his gaudy bullshit. Sounds like the last fourteen months. Keep fucking that chicken, y’all.

You’d think a guy bragging about building a wall could manage a few curtains.

If it pleases the court I'd like to introduce exhibit number 2

The sign made it a respectable 15 minutes before a morbidly obese naked woman was powerbombed through it.

First they came for the Funnels, and I said nothing because I was drunk.

That was Detroit. Bills fans plow against cars like God intended.

Holy crap. It appears those are the rules just while in the port-a-johns! Go ahead Bills Fan. Keep doing your thing.

“But I can still chow on another fan’s ass just after kickoff?”

It’s reckless reporting like this that makes me think John Ourand doesn’t wear his silly Blue Jays helmet anymore.

I assumed the guy in the picture was Rand Getlin until I got to the bottom of the article and the line about the meme, and now I will go back to not knowing who or what a Rand Getlin is.

maybe New Busch stadium?

How exactly did the ACC have their conference championship in *eight* different sports all at neutral sites in North Carolina anyway?

The loud boom people in the state might be hearing is the sound of blood pressure spikes causing a couple of heads to explode at Cameron Indoor Stadium and the Dean Smith Center.

40 grand wouldn’t even pay for a single large pipe to be replaced by the state of Michigan even if they had already starting replacing the pipes in Flint, which they haven’t.

Hell. Book them straight to hell one way.

It costs $40k to allow people to run on a paved road?