
Take a minor, irrelevant mistake and use it to defend racism: 2016 internet bigotry. Or something.

him being able to really just kind of take a step back and take a deep breath, and watch a veteran guy operate in Case Keenum.

Those who can’t do, coach. Those who can’t coach, coach the Rams.

Yeah it’s complicated, seems like it would be a lot easier for people to just be “not colorblind.”

Well, part of her temperature regulation problem could stem from the fact that she never ever appears outdoors unless swaddled from ankle to chin to wrists in heavy upholstery fabric, even on 90-degree plus days. I hope she doesn't sweat, or those outfits would reek by the end of the day.

Univision would delete that post...


Which hill would you die on, exactly? The post in question was true, and defensible to the point that Gawker Media obtained a summary judgment against Williams. So the question is, if Univision is unwilling to defend that article, what kind of article is the company willing to defend?

If that’s the guy I’m expected to interact with as an important part of my company’s legal team? Absolutely I am. As you’ve said, this is his job. And this is how he does his job? Fucking insufferable.

Keenan’s entire point seems to be that the difference between an “asset” and a “liability” is a frivolous lawsuit. That’s literally the primary theme of the interview.

I’m amazed about Dilfer’s tone deaf stance on this issue, as no one since 2001 has benefited more from the work of African Americans.

Pretty fucking disrespectful of the person taking that photograph of the guy raising his fist in the air because they’re obviously not looking at the flag or showing the flag respect during the anthem. Seriously. And the ball boy on the field should also be shot because it’s fucking disrespectful to not have your full

I can imagine all the NASCAR fans on the lycos search engine typing in Google Tony Stewart.

In fairness, I believe that Ryan Newman showed tremendous restraint in not mentioning that Smoke once killed a guy.

Second update. They talked. Braves fan, “I guess the Braves aren’t the only team dumb enough to want to sign Tebow.”

“rising insurance premiums are gonna kill high school football”

(Pirate voice) #MRRRRRRSA

Twitter has also set up some special emojis for the political season. Here’s the RNC’s:

Came here for this.

Kaepernick does all of those things you’ve pointed out. He speaks at schools, he has promised $1 million to various community groups, with more to come.