
Fucking sell the naming rights to the players already. It’s all revenue baby!

It’s amazing how the biggest sport in the planet needs to change so as to attract americans who are clueless about it. Everybody else must get fucked apparently.

So Sweden should have considered the long term impact a Quarterfinal game in the Olympics would have on the game of soccer in determining their tactics against a superior opponent?

What is it with you, Hope Solo, and this “cowardly” stuff?

Leave it to an abuser to not handle getting beat.

we don’t believe in highlights and news as TV programming


We saw what we did there.

He’s the worst version of Batman. “I’ve got enough wealth to do anything I want. Should I fight crime? Donate it to charity? Or make myself look like a thumb wearing a cheap wig?”

I started reading this and thought “wait a minute what site am I on?” I looked at the URL to see The Concourse on Deadspin. My heart stopped as I scrolled up to find the author. Ashley Feinberg! Gawker still exists! You just have to look a little harder to find its pieces.

This is the blogging I need, the blogging I deserve.

This is the best sprots articel I have ever read.

Colonel Panders

Your state looks like a penis. I thought you should know.

Soon the sand one buries one’s head in will be under water.

Very good point. I retract my statement—I am now NOT ok with this.

No. If this happens then they’ll scatter and settle in other states. We need them to stay quarantined in their own shitty corner of the country.

You know - I didn’t even catch the (glorious) second level stupidity of her statement the first time around.

Goddamn I laughed way too hard at this.

It’s like a brawl at a condiment station between ketchup and catsup.