
That contradicts the statements from the other swimmers, but if true, it certainly changes the dynamic and doesn’t constitute extortion. In any case, Lochte just used the word “tantics” on television, which may be a more egregious offense than minor vandalism or public urination.


If Tirico would just assault a woman, he’d be the starting left guard for the Cowboys by next Sunday.

The first rule of Fighting a Bathroom Door in Brazil Club is: you do not talk about Fighting a Bathroom Door in Brazil Club. The second rule of Fighting a Bathroom Door in Brazil Club is: you do not talk about Fighting a Bathroom Door in Brazil Club.

So it sounds like neither Lochte or Bentz may be lying. They just have different interpretations of what actually transpired. You say Potato, and I say Portiéltüzerachmíshñ.

I am sorry I became the big bad Pissboy. I am now the Swimmin’ Prince and the big bad Pissboy for I have brought my body’s water onto the land in a shameful way. In the water land where I live, one must only smile and relax and allow the piss to flow from within. We live in the piss pools and we die in the piss pools.

Took me a second to get it, but no time at all to assign a star.

Lochte said there had been one robber, while Feigen allegedly said there had been more than one.

Jeez, to have been a fly on that wall.

So, did they spefically wait until Manning retired, or is this a different issue?

Lochte thwarts thieves by being unable to follow gun-at-head directions.

I had a sex dream about him last night. It was glorious.

Our dumb, beautiful swimming man baby. Bless his heart.

How the hell would Lochte even know he was held up. That boy’s about as sharp as a sack of wet mice

What did the IOC have to gain by lying? I know they are protecting a brand, but even Goodell knows to start with “We are investigating reports that...”

IOC spokesman (pictured); ‘ didn’t happen, everything’s fine.’

but he’s worth billions and employing a few more AV techs would be adding jobs — so why no projectors? Fuxsake, if he had a social media staff worth their pay he’d have them push the visuals on his website or Twitter account as he was speaking and folks could watch on their phones.

He’s literally just retweeting things live now.

Life hack: if your answer is “no,” then the meaning of the question becomes irrelevant

It means the same thing as, “Are you down?”