
Ocean’s 8.

I hate when people use “accident” as if that closes the book on it. Yes this was most certainly an accident but it was an accident resulting from someone’s negligence/incompetence. That’s an important distinction.

This would seem to indicate that the officer(s) unloaded their guns and pointed them at people. Anyone who knows anything about guns knows that a person should never do that, and that every gun should always be treated as loaded, even right after you cleaned it! This should be investigated because if there was

I am so sorry this happened to you. And thank you for the strength and courage to write about it.
You have the first say in defining what happened to you. That said, I think this sounds like sexual assault and - at least from a moral perspective - rape. He shows you a weapon that you had every reason to expect to be

That isn’t a date. That’s kidnapping and rape.

Because mah jong tiles are a poor stand in and really lack that freedomy oomph the smell of cordite brings.

That would be lovely. Until they prove they can be trusted with guns, my vote is take all of their guns and make them make finger guns at people.

Jokes on them, she was voting for trump.

This is an empty chamber indicator

Why were they using Live Rounds, Real Weapons and Random Fucking People* to “simulate” using lethal force? Who approved this shit? Enjoy early retirement chief and the lawsuit that should loose your station a few million- oh shit- Florida! Enjoy your Wednesday.

Regular guns don’t work against good guy guns. That’s why it’s so important for the good guys to have guns.

That's the stuff.

I was looking for the “Good Job, Gun Nuts”.

Had she had a gun, she would have been alive now, as guns defend people from other guns, duh!

I am a genuinely nice person, but I am having a very hard time feeling sympathy for anyone involved in this idiocy

“Live Gun Demonstration”

Costas might bring it up in passing, as an excuse to segue into that great story about the time the train the Pirates were traveling on broke down and so the Pirates team ended up having to walk a piece down some back roads and they were fired on by moonshiners who mistook them fer Revenue Agents but luckily Pie


Witnesses: We were the ones shooting.

Would read, then would watch the Rom-Com adaptation. The Deadspin guys taught the Jezebel women how to love, Jezebel taught Deadspin how to live... or at least how to talk to women.