Guess it’s time to buy a couple scratch offs and see if I can take this beauty home!
Guess it’s time to buy a couple scratch offs and see if I can take this beauty home!
Wrong. No amount of rowing will save you from death by boredom in one of these other than the thoughts of what type of bodily mutilation will occour should you end up in an accident.
Good god I spent so much of my child hood in the back of one of these... I don’t care how nice or how clean or how cheap or how manual it is.
This guy gets it. What will you find for under 10k? A dude bro’s old GTO with saggy springs and splitting seams on all the seats. Not to mention more likely to be the 2004 with the 5.7.
I want to say this is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a while so that means it will probably sell like hot cakes. But are there enough people out there that arn’t getting their jollies from the plethora of luxury SUV/CUVs to convert to a pickup?
Are there any cars today that still come with an interior that’s one solid color? Man I miss that battle against the eyes.
I’m glad you said it. Because I’m the same age and was thinking exactly the same thing. I just figured I was getting older than I thought I really was...
Overpriced skinny hipster jeans? Several members of your team love them? Color me unsurprised...
Overpriced skinny hipster jeans? Several members of your team love them? Color me unsurprised...
Judging from these comments I wasn’t sure if I landed on Jalopnik or Gizmodo...
From what I can gather here People are terrible, driving is evil, and everyone should just stay at home in a bubble wrapped safety cocoon hooked up to VR.
Save the fully autonomous, level 5, no human input required manuals?!...
Also since…
So you mean you too right? Or is present company excluded? ;)
I like this car. I like your review. I’m sure you’re even a swell guy. but:
Yikes, let me get this bit of mental gymnastics straight. You’re glad you didn’t get married because of what someone else might think? Then you proceed to be OK with calling them dicks but bitches is off limits?
“there was no accident damage to the car”
Man, the logic in this discussion is astounding. I wonder if these commenters are the same people that defend all these cops shooting people at traffic stops and other encounters?
Look people. Just because someone did something dumb doesn’t mean it’s ok to one up them and do something even more stupid. You’re not…
So you’re saying on your scale of stupid things humans do running a light, passing on the right, passing in an illegal area, using your car as a skateboard to grind a rail into a school bus full of children all because you lost two seconds of drive time is BETTER than doing a misguided good deed for the day?
Phew, what…
Absolutely. Traction out of the hole is nothing more than wishful thinking in those.
That’s pretty good. Now it’s finally making as much as a tuned 8 year old Cobalt SS...
Listen, everyday we are finding new ways of extending our life. Curing illnesses, improving health, nutrition, and generally making the world safer.
If people want to do dumb things like this. Let them. We don’t have many ways left to keep population in check.