It sounds like something. Not bad, but I wouldn’t call it ‘mean’ personally.
It sounds like something. Not bad, but I wouldn’t call it ‘mean’ personally.
Bingo. Have an actual car with an actual dealer network? No contest. But then again I don’t care about impressing people with flash and badges.
Seems like everyone went all Mad Max over here in my part of NC. Everyone bought up all the gas cans at the Walmarts and then went and bought up all the gas at the gas stations. None of them near me have any except for diesel and E85.
See, I guess I’m that weird 1% that they figured was a larger user base. Because I know this is a Miata and I specifically like this car MORE. (OK, everything further is simply arm chair opinions because I havne’t driven either the new Miata or Fiata.)
I think it looks better.
I think it sounds better (in Abarth trim).
If you can’t drive to and enjoy the smooth soulful jams of this countries best yacht rock then you sir or madam, quite frankly, don’t deserve a drivers license let alone a job driving.
Whatever, his premiums are definitely going up on account of this.
Thing is I’d rather have any of the modern muscle cars over this. Hell even the V6 Camaro I test drove felt more fun than this thing, though not as nice inside.
Man was I excited for this car and boy did I get my hopes up too much. Maybe it’s a letdown because I was too hyped for it. It sounded great on paper. Active suspension, turbo V6, AWD.... One test drive later and I was throughly disappointed for pretty much all the reason you described. Sure the power makes it…
I want this. I want this in a bad irrational way. But holy mother even I’m brought back to reality by that price tag.
Sad reluctant CP.
I think the video made it pretty clear we need to take care of the root of the problem instead of treating the symptoms.
Now this is a much better idea than a high mileage high strung Volvo. Maybe not as fun or ‘Jalop’ but far more realistic.
Floor it from a stop immediately into a 90 degree turn. I would have been more amazed if this had turned out any differently.
Morals vs Money. Which do you follow? They’re not wrong for firing him if they believe one should not play Mike Tyson’s punch out on other employee’s faces. But as can be the case, your morals are going to cost you, because typically money has none.
TPI? When was this swap done? I mean I guess if you own a stump pulling business then NP. Otherwise, I’m going CP here.
Don’t you have to drop $40k+ to get a V8 camaro?
That may be why as well...
*40 dolls. She had/has at least 40....
She’s got the super-sized meal of truama/crazy.
*40 dolls. She had/has at least 40....
That’s not an accident. That’s someone that should probably not be in charge of a two ton+ death missile.
This is why even as a huge gear head I’m OK with the self driving car ‘apocalypse’.