
Wow someone on this forum that lives in reality. A place where magical $500 cars don’t exist for the common man. A place where shit happens daily and simply putting aside $400 a month can be down right daunting. Specially when you’re in a $500 hoopty that requires constant trips to the shop (or straight up breaks

So all new cars by 2023. The average age of a car on the road today is over 10 years and climbing. So majority of cars talking to each other by 2033? 17 years is a long damn time unless they pull out some cash for non-autonomous death traps type deal.

Hmm.. let’s strip and sell the parts off a car we and everyone else are turning in... so if you’re all turning in your cars who’s left to buy your parts...

Very nice. Dynos are fun. And jesus, that V10 singing is just magical. :) here’s one that shows my G8 GT before and after cam.

Why yes, they are for winners. And as a winner I too am King of my trailer park.

The problem is he’s focusing on the wrong thing. All you need to know is you’ll be stuck in a silent car making silly government mandated whooshy noises and not even a gear or two to change through.

Is it weird that I’m sad about the 200/dart killing? Having rented my fair share of 200's from base rental spec all the way up to fully loaded It’s a damn fine car. Dare I say better than most other ‘<insert generic midsize here>’. Nothing I would ever buy but that’s simply because I don’t buy ‘a well rounded car’ I

Whether the whole future sucks or not is still up for debate but there’s no debating that the future sure sucks aurally. Electric motors and fake engine noises do not make my ear holes happy.

I love these three and I’m willing to give them a pass for spending way too much time on that stupid call of duty simulator as long as it’s not the norm... but do we really have to make Skinner look like a stupid jack-ass everytime he’s on camera? Either let him have some good lines or just shut him up and let his

Just recently rented one of these myself. 300hp and six speed transmission? Hah, sounds great on paper sure as shit didn’t feel like it. I thought impalas were supposed to be comfortable. That was one of the most uncomfortable rides I’ve ever had in a GM car and I’m honestly usually a pretty big fan of theirs and can

I know this isn’t the case, and I’m definitely not sticking up for the crap that VW has and is pulling but almost all those “stories” you listed are summed up like “blah blah I made a series of poor life choices... blah blah gimmie my free money...”

Speaking of, I parked behind one at the last Cars and Coffee...

So you admit you too would have the same emotional issues. Guess we’re all just monkeys in shoes...

The future seems to be autonomous electric vehicles. There’s no reason for the manual to exist in that world. There’s barely a reason for them to exist now considering automatics are faster and can get better MPGs.

I think there will always be a niche for the nostalgic among us that want to row their own but the

Thanks, Trump! doesn’t have the same snarky ring to it that Thanks, Obama! did.

I submit we use Thanks, Donald! It allows for that extra syllable inflection that gives it bite.

I can’t tell if this car needs more speakers or gauges... CP until we can decide.

Cool story time.
It’s probably more than half the country. Only 24% of voting age Americans voted for him. Compare that to the entire population and percentage decreases to around 19%

Knowing how boosting works it’s not really a surprise. You want power? that takes fuel. Also ownging one of these specific engines (500 Abarth) I can tell you even at steady state cruising there’s a HUGE difference in MPG between say 78-79MPH and 72-73MPH, like at least several MPGs worth. Not even mentioning what it

Excellent, Does this UBI check come with the keys to one of his sweet robot created Teslas?