
Yeah, there are millions of people who squander the good fortunes they have when they should have known better. But when you say “debt is a choice” you are disavowing the existence of many more millions of people, some of them quite intelligent, who are doing the best they can and are struggling in debt because kids,

Some people put a certain premium of money on their time, and the feeling of security in owning a new-ish car at all times, which for them outweighs the amount of money they save buying and maintaining a car versus swapping an old lease with a new lease.

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

From the modern ones? I agree. But the C10 2000 GTR is my numero one.

dat wing doe

I know I’m not Honda’s target demographic here, and I am glad to see them producing cars with some personality and oomph. But man this thing is ugly and over-designed. There’s just way too much going on and no “flow” to it.

It actually looks like a caricature of itself, what a 14-year-old would do if given carte

No argument here. That is why when I rear children I stress the importance of being respectful. It doesn’t take much to pierce the veneer of civility.

Yeah. The nerve of that guy. Parking stuff in his driveway. Seriously, fuck him. Next thing you know, it won’t be a nice clean white trailer. It’ll be a dirty 15 year old Dodge Caravan with mismatched fender colors. And he will whisper softly to the world: “You let this happen”

It’s up to 11.5 years. And for that to be the average age, there are many cars quite a bit older than that.

So let me get this straight:

Too bad you have to stare at the gauge cluster from a 1996 Pontiac Grand Am while driving it :(

And at that point...C5Z!!! I realized this earlier in the year and I plan to own my first Corvette sometime next year!

Good luck finding a 2006 GTO under 10k that isn’t a piece of shit. That one may look clean, but it has 160k, has been in an accident, and has a rebuilt motor (can be good or bad.) Every used GTO is sold by someone who thinks their car is worth twice what it actually is.

I’m 35 and a Honda/Toyota guy, and maybe it’s my age, but I really like the new LaCrosse. It’s beautiful. and I’m loving the new styling exercises coming out of Buick these days.

$110 for a pair of jeans is a “reasonable price?”

$110 for a pair of jeans is a “reasonable price?”

No 38's.

No 38's.

A recommendation for annoying busybodies to get laid is not rooted in sexism at all and is routinely applied to busybodies of all sexual persuasions.

SJW is unwarranted on Jalopnik.