
So you’re implying everyone already in the the open lane should move over to the closed one? That doesn’t solve anything. If you’re already cruising in the open lane you get considerably screwed by having everyone get infront of you. So really, you need to get over to the closing lane and duke it out. Well if too many

Good riddance. Now lets just get rid of the rest of Mitsubishi’s US automotive operations and this world will be a better place.

Will it know how to zipper merge?...

Set your car at a constant speed?

Set your car at a constant speed?

I love the IDEA of the zipper merge. I’ve rarely seen it successfully executed. Usually it involves a bunch of assholes (asshole A) using the closing lane to get to the front with another bunch of assholes (asshole B) blocking their position in line which causes the open lane to slow down significantly to where if you

I hope this makes your next top 10 list of worst top tens.

I don’t understand the point of this. It seems incredibly boring to see a bunch of machines parade around a race track. What am I missing here? I mean sure the engineering is cool but I see no ‘sport’ here.

Thank god for the vertical video otherwise we’d get to see the whole crash. But at least I can tell you what the asphalt looks like in great detail...considering it’s 2/3rds of the entire freaking video.

Always set the parking brake here. Automatic or not. It’s just so easy to do and I see no downsides to setting it (plus keeps you from jacking up the parking pawl on the automatic side of things). It’s a no brainer to do. Infact it’s pure muscle memory at this point.

I wonder, if self driving cars manage to save 95 people a day (34,675 a year) if that would have any impact on the the economy. That’s more people a year than the population of an average size town in this country. Sure it’s a minute percentage of the overall population but an extra town full of people every year has

I wonder if we manage to save 95 people a day (34,675 a year) if that would have any impact on the the economy. That’s more people a year than the population of an average size town in this country. Sure it’s a minute percentage of the overall population but an extra town full of people every year has got to make some

Damn right. T-tops out and the radio up.

Maybe I’m still thinking of old Top Gear but what really throws me off about this new TG is it feels so dis-jointed. It feels like none of the pieces connect. They do a segment then its quickly on to the next. No real rhyme or reason, I don’t get a sense that any of it flows in any way and it all feels somehow shallow.

“It even makes an automatic gear shifter look good. Damn.”

To add to your defense since you created quite the shit storm from the nut huggers that can’t wait for the wonderful moive that was Stealth (starring Jamie Foxx) to become reality:

Having used that shifter before it really is a terrible design. Clunky to use and hard to easily find what selection you want (at least compared to more traditional shifters). That being said is there really no accountability on the user to know their tools anymore?

I’ve driven a ton of automatic equipped cars in my

People are dumb/lazy/inattentive fucktards with two tons of metal death at their disposal? Wake me when something new happens.

Don’t care. Didn’t read. Pontiac Catalina is instant NP in my book. It being in wagon form is just icing on the cake.

100% agree on the sentiment. If there’s land between me and my destination then I’m driving if at all possible. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the idea of flying, I just don’t enjoy what it has become. It is anything but freedom and enjoyment.

But anyways. Good story. Great car. ‘Nuff said.