
Well get ready to be really pissed mall warriors because I am not a pregnant veteran and will still park in either of those spaces. Eat shit, everybody’s equal.

Except handicapped, you have a legally binding right to park closer.

Well get ready to be really pissed then because I am not a pregnant veteran and will still park in either of those spaces. Eat shit, everybodys equal.

Except handicapped, you have a legally binding right to park closer.

Even though I’ve got zero need for one of these I want one badly. Even though we already have a two seater convertible that we have no intentions of ever giving up I still want this. Abarth, mopar exhaust, silly black hood and all.

God help me I’m not right in the head.

I’m super duper excited. And I’m a GM fanboi that irrationally dislikes all things Ford.

If it’s everything they promise I want one like yesterday.

I’m super duper excited. And I’m a GM fanboi that irrationally hates all things Ford.

If it’s everything they promise I want one like yesterday.

You didn’t even mention the greatest insult to all this. The price.

All I see in that last chart are cars getting safer and traffic fatalities decreasing while motorcycle fatalities have stayed about the same thus giving them a higher percentage of the pie.

“Near Luxury” huh?

Tesla preorders? Meh, come back to me in a year with cancellation numbers. Then I’ll be impressed. One month is hardly enough time to see if a lot of these orders really are dedicated enough to wait.

Mitsubishi still sells cars in North America? huh, could have fooled me.

Honestly? about 300-400 for a street car depending on weight.

I know I may be called crazy for this but I recently got rid of a CTS-V because honestly it was just too god damned much for daily driving. I’m not saying close to 600 HP wasn’t fun or awesome but it’s just not needed. I have way more fun in my now turbo 4

I want the rest of you screw balls on the road to have autonomous cars because you suck at driving. Not me however, I am a great driver so I don’t want it/need it.

At least he took the time to slam it and stance it. Baby protection may be secondary but at least looking ill on the streets was taken care of.

Iheartradio is rocking a Prince tribute station if you need a bigger Prince fix.

Totally agree but you leave out the most grill-less of em all?

Dart SRT4 could have been a blast. But instead here we sit surrounded by Jeeps and Renegades...


I long for the days when it was more Protect and Serve and less stasi police state...

But does it sound anywhere near as good as the inline six it’s replacing?

And just like with the M4. I don’t care if it’s slightly faster or even gets an mpg or two better. I bet money dollars that the I6 sounds WAY better.