
“...I ordered [the Model X] in 2012. Still waiting on the delivery.”

Sounds more like a circle(jerk) than a line...

Funny I’ve owned the newer GTO and the G8. Seriously considering the SS too. We’re not all hypocrites. Some of us have an unhealthy obession with large RWD V8 boats.

Looks fantastic. Needs a power bump to offset the added weight.

I’m so confused about this yearly campaign. Ignoring any margin of error in speedometers and radar guns (which there can actually be a noticeable amount of error for Lidar guns in certain conditions) this poses a logistical problem of not actually going over the speed limit.

Your best bet to not breaking the speed

Test drove it. Loved it. Too rich for my blood to buy new. Start putting on options and even with discounts it’s just too much money for too little car. But used, my god. You really need to drive this car before bashing it. I may not like the price but I LOVE the car (and this coming from someone who likes big

National Speed in Wilmington NC? They do pretty damn good work. And you couldn’t find a better group of guys to talk shop with either. they LOVE what they do there.

Random sampling from our local Cars and Coffee. All taken by my good friend Patrick.

Scion has some interesting cars. But when I say that I mean relative to their parent company. Which is a bit like comparing brands of white bread, and they’re certainly not interesting enough to not be badged as Toyotas.

So this is where “No Child Left Behind” gets you...
Not everyone needs to go to college... for automotive design... at Texas A&M... in Qatar...

I would have enjoyed a Dart SRT.... :(
I think they look good and a little performance would be just what it needed.

I’ve rented several of the new 200's and enjoyed them for the most part. Again I think they look good. Gas mileage was good, ride was smooth and quiet. My only complain was the wonky 9 speed never seemed

This thing kisses 100 grand and the best they could do is a donkey dick of a shifter sticking out of the steering column like an old jalopy pickup truck?

Glad I’m not the only one who’s heart skipped a beat and was duped by that.

This is gonna be goo....oh look radio buttons....

I guess I’m the odd duck here. I quite like the rotary knob for an automatic transmission. It’s not trying to hide what it is. Why have a stupid stick jutting up into your personal space when you don’t need to?

If she’s the got the desire and skills to go kill tusken raiders then more power to her.


Weird it’s like you guys read my mind. I was seriously considering picking one up before the years end while all the crazy cash back and deals are going on. I just can’t shake the feeling it’s a bad purchase despite all the fun it supposedly is. Damn rational part of my brain.

Come on depreciation! Daddy doesn’t have 100k to blow on a car.

Sure. I’d love to get this one back. 1988 Trans Am GTA Notchback... But I sadly already know what happened. Some bastard sold off the notchback and turned it into a KITT replica car.

I’m sorry that front end is an awful mishmash of every other luxury brand. As I’ve seen a few other reasonable people mention. It looks like a chinese knock off. Audi/Acura headlights? check. Jag grille? check. BMW bottom LED strip? check. Throw in a little KIA flaring and wheels... Boom Styling done... Ugh.