
Love it! I think it looks way better than the squinty eyed mess of a Miata.

You shut your whore mouth. I had one and it was amazing. There was narely a redneck for miles that wasn’t impressed when I rolled by in my GTA notchback with digital dash. I was in pure 80’s heaven.

Probably won’t be the last time she uses her kid for personal gain.

I don’t care how nice or capable it is. For that price I don’t want to drive some inbred looking mutant from the hills of west virginia.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Too bad that rear end is all you’re gonna see when it’s the V model... I know.

HAHA! Jokes on you if you think you’ll have any money left over for a date after fixing the suspension, lighting and other horrifically hard to source/expensive parts on that car.

I do like them though.

8 and 7 all day, every day. Would have bought.

Nice. This should hopefully provide even more aftermarket tuning power. The supercharged engine was nice but nothing provides more warranty voiding power than a turbo.

Also, NOOOO!!! the infotainment screen has been glued to the dash like so many others.... :(

You are right but Pessimippototamus is MORE right.

Hear, Hear! I don’t know what it takes for normals to buy a car but while the polestar line is nice enough. For the money it ain’t M or AMG yet, heck not even V levels when it comes to performance.

Been in a few of these over the past couple years when worked rented them for me. Not a bad car at all. If I was the type of person that was in the market for an appliance type car I’d definitely consider it above most others.

Man, I don’t know what stuff you guys are smoking over at Jalopnik HQ but that is one seriously ugly bloated looking car.

Genuinely curious what are the pros to having a front plate (for the citizen not the government/police officer)?

Air Conditioning is optional??? Damn have I been living under a rock. Are there other new vehicles on sale today that don’t include that (I’m not counting crazy factory track cars)?

The end of this makes it sound like now nobody gets to play with nice cars. Thanks Obama..err Tavon...

First gen CTS-V. Part muscle car, Part luxury cruiser, can blend into a crowd and plenty of fun for any part of the road trip.

If we’re gonna start locking up mechanics for passing piles of shit. We need to get the fuck on it then. I see tons of death traps driving by me everyday from simply having tires in horrible condition to rusted out death traps to bro trucks and the stance nation army...

Heh, I see you left the prices off the Flex. Personally my favorite on the list but christ they’re expensive and hard to find in boosted trim.

Guess we just have to agree to disagree. I think chrome on the right color in the right amount is a fantastic accent. Moderation is key. And of course anything aftermarket and chrome is almost always going to be awful.