The worst thing about youth sports is adults.
The worst thing about youth sports is adults.
Watched a youtube video recently about how the Charges once missed the playoffs while having the #1 offense and #1 defense in the league. It was incredibly depressing.
“Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”
“I come to Bury?” -seizer “Not to pays them.”
I cannot WAIT to see the Dead Letters for this one.
That’s gotta Sting.
I have zero doubt Roxanne must have been a Cardinals fan.
Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.
“Tsitsipas did earn his second time violation, which came with a point penalty”
Wow, man, Teddy is a piece of shit. At least he has the wherewithal to recognize and admit it. That’s the first step, T!
Came here for this. Teddy doesn’t act like an asshole because he supports the Cowboys and they drove him to it, he’s just an asshole in general.
well, he IS a cowboys fan.
Jesus, Teddy sounds like an asshole.
The Cowboys are “America’s Team” in that we have a president who suggested we nuke hurricanes. That is the Cowboys.
These Russian bots are everywhere now
Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.
Rhode Island is the Virginia Beach of New England
Maybe Thom Brady shouldn’t have cheated.
Why does every WYTS have a Pats fan in the comments that somehow makes it about them? Extra points for squeezing in the number of Super Bowls they have in the last several years. WE KNOW DUDE, WE ALL KNOW, JUST LET US HAVE ONE FUCKING BLOG WHERE WE CAN FOCUS ON SOMEONE ELSE