You could also argue the Cardinals in 2006 come close--they had a barely positive run differential (+19) and finished 5 games above .500 and then won the World Series thanks to the organization’s well-negotiated deal with Satan.
You could also argue the Cardinals in 2006 come close--they had a barely positive run differential (+19) and finished 5 games above .500 and then won the World Series thanks to the organization’s well-negotiated deal with Satan.
So, just another Tuesday in the Deep South, then?
+15 men on a dead man’s chest
Somewhere, a Trumpite named Roxanne is prepping a long, horribly spelled Facebook post about how this is God’s judgment.
Probably the least scripted, as well.
Are you suggesting, good sir, that LaVar Ball may not have been forthright about the quality of his brand?!
Polite will someday be a great entry in “let’s remember some wasted mid-round draft picks”
Quite frankly if being an attractive white man on a failing team whose fanbase is dying out (due to bad dietary choices and/or old age) doesn’t make Yelich the apple of the average “I don’t like either party” Mom from West Allis, I don’t know what else he can do.
This would have been good without the grammar errors. It is great because of the grammar errors.
Legitimate moment of non-sarcasm: Knowing you’re from South Carolina makes this comment so much more impactful.
This is really gonna fuck with Magary’s WYTS entry on Monday.
It’s made worse by the fact that the alternative jerseys from other years ranged from interesting to actually decent. They’ve taken that and tried to standardize uniforms—y’know, the things which exist to differentiate teams!
In this version, the Devil wins and the Oriole is sent to hell for an indeterminate period ranging from the next decade to the heat death of the universe.
Easily the 3rd or 4th worst “moving the goalposts” story of the past week.
“The long-anticipated ACC network...”
You know, for all the (justified) crap football coaches get for their constant bitching about “weakening America” by showing concern over brain injuries, I’m pretty sure baseball would go into full take meltdown if something like this were implemented.
“No.”—The Ghost of Huey Long
I thought he was saying “oh, our AAA affiliate is in Iowa, huh?”
I think Yao could (barely, slowly) walk it out.