Mr. Obscurity

I’d even argue bumpers reduce the likelihood of a perfect game. Many bowlers good enough to roll a 300 throw a hooking ball, the edge of which often comes close enough to the gutter that it would hit the bumper.

Even the slightest glancing touch of the bumper would turn a textbook ball designed to go right between the

This Brewers fan’s reaction to this:

Worked in Winston for 5 years (North Forsyth High School. Go Vikings.) I agree that Wake is a world unto its own, a little slice of haughty Northeastern provincialism grafted into a Southern city which it aggressively hates.

But yeah, Raleigh, Winston, Wilmington, Asheville, and the non-stabby parts of Greensboro? Cool

This wideout corps is jazzed! (Don’t show them the QB depth chart, it’ll break their hearts.)

I have a coworker (here in NC) who insists that Charlotte is a cool place.

I would rather have a beer in Winston-Salem, since it’s both closer AND the city has some personality beyond some hybrid of Starbucks and the lobby of an acceptably bland Holiday Inn.

I am frankly shocked he hasn’t at least worn a monocle already.

I wouldn’t have picked the Chiefs fans to have the most grammatically challenged emails, but danged if they didn’t pull it off.

To be fair, Rutgers is technically a conference game. Technically being the key word here, since they’re basically a 1-AA (Sorry, FCS.) team that happens to exist in a major conference.

As always, Ohio State’s priorities (and those of the NCAA) are in the right place.

Without police protection that car might have been vandalized by illegal immigrants, or by victims of domestic abuse, or by people who aren’t OK with unpaid athletes serving an obviously corrupt system designed to cripple most of them

Literally no one. Anyone who is shocked by this has sent their social security number to a Nigerian prince and posted Russian propaganda about pizza-based pedophile rings.

People who expected Ohio State to do the right thing deserve to have their identities stolen and used to purchase millions of copies of Nickelback

My wife asked me tonight what would happen to Meyer. She was hopeful he’d be suspended. I informed her that winning overrides all in the sports world. Even if OSU did the actually noble thing and fired him, he’d be hired within the week by a team OK with moral compromises to win national titles. He will never go

His salary this season is $7.6 million. I divided that by 12 (the number of guaranteed games for OSU, since bowl/playoff games are technically not guaranteed, though only a truly just universe would create a scenario in which OSU isn’t in a bowl).

Anyhow, the number per game is $633,333, which multiplied by 3 comes out

VHS player”?

Living in this part of the country is good for my ego, since I could suffer mass head trauma and still not be the dumbest person in a 1 mile radius.

The guy plays for the Marlins, hasn’t he suffered enough?

Not that this would make it any better (it wouldn’t, Fuck these people forever.) but all of this shit led them to a 4-8 record. You killed a kid to go four and fucking eight.

Unpaid student athlete speaks anonymously: *angry response*

They do have trouble with English.

Let the record show that the little shit also lost this match. Because of course he did.

I mean, he literally got away with murder. That tends to be an ego booster.