Obscure Cactus

how many people will throw up seeing this in IMAX 3D?

Holy shit he did????? my brain!!!! Also SWAT made 200 million in 2003, it didn't bomb at all. Wow. My mind is perplexed fellow patron of the internet.

motherfucker got his head run over by a TRAIN. don't we hear a crunch? or limp bizkit?

I love SWAT. Jim Street is an iconic Colin Farrell character. Also Jeremy Renner saying "Fuck you and SWAT" is great

say what you will about The Wire but I think it's the greatest television show of all time

real hot take you got thereā€¦

That was one of the grossest parts

xXx 3 fucking ruled

Cruise is a great interview when it comes to discussing his work and the process of filmmaking but outside of that you get nothing.

I could *kind of* see why Cruise would want to do this movie but once it was known Kurtzman (one of the biggest fucking hacks in Hollywood) was attached to direct, why didn't he bail????

Any male who is interested in this but hasn't seen Magic Mike should watch Magic Mike.

That and calling out his former employer for his firing being 'cowardly'


imagine listening to LCD soundsystem in the year 2017

They better pay up! It's Paul McCartney's swan song


I have a hand drawn Pepe from Matt Furie himself from like 2012. I went on eBay and looked up Boys Club comics and its a bunch of shitbags trying to capitalize on the newfound alt right iconography.

My only real critique of the first season was the complete disregard of any financial stress. All these bars and restaurants. Nashville on a whim. Goddamn!


in The Wire, Elba played Stringer Bell.