Obscure Cactus

Him sweeping the floor was a sign for that associate to leave

what happens on earth stays on earth

'pussy holes'

His second appearance on Pete Holmes's podcast is absolutely hilarious and devastating at the same time. He was so candid with his struggles with addiction. Incredible storytelling.

“One time I said to a guy that, ‘I loved learning new things. I’m a bit of an infomaniac.’ And he thought I said NYMPHOMANIAC….so he fucked me. And I said ‘No, no no…I said INFO. I’m an INFOmaniac’ And he said ‘Well, here’s some info…you just got fucked. Clean yourself up.’”

Should I get this game?


Two season-three episodes watched for review

Fair & Balanced

shut the fuck up guy

I thought it was left to be ambiguous?

He got a few hits on just about everyone :(

We got to see fuckin' Rugrat from Wolf of Wall Street though


Terrific finale. I love the message of unity and the power of female friendship even if it arose through the murder of one of the scariest characters on television in recent memory.

Home Alone 3 is a decent drunk watch.

remember when we saw Brad in FAST AND THE FURIOUS: TOKYO DRIFT?

See also: Net Neutrality

holy fuck dude

I have no idea what you just said but I love Genndy