Obscure Cactus

I loved that they could have gone ANY direction with Christine and I would have bought it. Suicide? Accidental death? Sleeping with Yoon? Sleeping with Robin? Any one of these scenarios would have fit with this show.

We all know the Joker is the bad guy. But what this comic presupposes is....maybe he isn’t?

Agreed, let’s not repeat the mistake of the prequels turning Yoda into sonic the hedgehog with a lightsaber. Luke is now a master, I’d be far more interested if they explored more powerful ways in how he’s learned to wield and use the force that put him beyond the need for lightsabers, the series has enough swinging

I kinda hope he doesn’t.

Oh my god fuck off. You are seriously complaining about the article “spoiling” the trailer.

This won’t be a clever response, but:

I didn’t think it was possible, but Kinja’s ability to embed Youtube videos has made your posts even more obnoxious.

“Fucko” works best immediately following the phrase “listen up.” It’s a very concise way of displaying your utter contempt for the person you are addressing. It’s even better if the next thing you say is either remarkably stupid or completely off topic.

I don’t think dude has touched that twitter since it all fell apart for him. Shame he’s a dick I actually liked his writing a lot and the OG version of The Canon really brought me joy.

Some friend of Tim League’s: “Look, they had that Wonder Woman screening, isn’t it enough??”


Why are people so excited about this movie? Is it just nostalgia for the lame 90's one? Is it because “scary clowns” are a meme? Vague brand name recognition?