Obscure Cactus


It seems obvious Frankie will get killed by the end of the season. I think Franco doesn’t want to play two characters for more than one season but then again he’s James Franco.

David Simon, Seth Rogen, Kumail and Ryan Gosling - out of respect.

Dear HBO Shop,

Ever since Foot Fist Way, Jody Hill and his casting director are the best at finding extras for small bit parts and/or reaction shots. Everything about Robin and his situation was quite sad and affecting for me.

Are we ready to admit Aronofsky has only made one truly great film? *cough* THE WRESTLER *cough*

he’s a lovely Canadian. don’t be rude!

You forgot to mention The AV Club.

I think I successfully merged? This is truly the darkest timeline.

Started posting more here once The Dissolve got fucked over. Smell you nerds on the other side.

"cool" - John Oliver voice

oh yeah, duh. my bad.

But they came from King's Landing? I thought it had to go to Davos?

I thought the money to pay back the iron bank in the wagons was lost in the fire? Why was it not mentioned?

it go Halle Berry or Hallelujah

remember the shitstorm the header image caused? imagine not having Craig as a top 2 Bond.

bruuuuuuuh. there's a til' tuesday - voices carry needle drop????? even more sold.

Imagine being so weak and gutless that you’d let a historically unpopular president tie you to a bill with a 16% approval rating.

hey….that dog has a mustache. sold!

I found The Change Up to be a good dumb comedy. Bateman & Reynolds have great chemistry