Obscure Cactus

Do I need to watch this?


Here's some more obvious news: Fuck this new comment section format

we are all Ray


I'm hoping they bring back more of the sound effects from the original series. My favorite sound off all time was in this episode. When Scaramouche pulls out the knife that turns into two blades and the next shot is Jack's blade making contact and you see the animation effect to show dramatic light reflection. (Time

That's a bummer she's relegated to wide eyes and run duty. She's got lovely eyes though

I remember being maybe 7 or 8 and the scene where the T-1000 posed as Connor's step mom stabs the husband with its elongated knife arm through the milk carton into his mouth seared my brain

"One time I was invited to come to a social gathering. I was paid a handsome amount of money and I brought a shotgun and a bottle of Tanqueray and showed those people the best fucking time they've ever seen"

That Katharine Waterson set piece where she's hanging off the ship…..

"Judge, won't you throw the book at the Piraaaaate!"

"Does it hurt when A.A. Dowd won't go higher than an A-?"

ogre green creamy filling twinkies

If I have to watch an 8th entry that's 3 hours long for them to get to driving cars in outer space I WILL FUCKING DO IT

the borat 'my wiiiiife' will never not be funny

indie died when carles left

This is how you print a billion dollars

Keeping Up with the Joneses, H&R Block TV ads, Rich Eisen talk show? Who is Jon Hamm's agent???

I just don’t want you spending all your money getting her all glittered up for Easter