Obscure Cactus

Burnt can’t handle the heat, should have stayed out of the kitchen

Maybe I should finally watch this..

Vin Diesel with that viking beard made me burst out laughing during the preview in theaters. I will watch this at home drunk as fuck

how does this have an A- rating when it hasn't aired yet

Holy fuck at the small door reveal

"It's working! It's woooorking!"

I tivo'd this because I was drunkenly rooting for my green bay football packers. I hope he kills it!

Goddamnit I briefly thought this would be a think piece on now 5 year old THE SOCIAL NETWORK based on the header.

medium rare? oh, medium rare, we have ourselves an aristocrat

Incredibly excited for this! Incredibly bummed I have to wait till October 2nd!

Just how close were we to having a Lynch directed Star Wars film?

It's stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that, but we can diminish the effects of it

Throats have been slit for BB-8

It will be easy to hit 5 billion because the quality of these products are fucking atrocious. Every figure looks cheap as shit.

I cried. Thank you David.

I loved them all

too much horse not enough war

They purposefully scaled back. Upon the fourth listen, deeper textures begin to reveal themselves

Congratulations on posting the whitest comment ever

Define 'Fincher-esque'