Obscure Cactus

I really hope it isn't sexual tension between the two but rather what you said

Definitely going to rewatch this episode soon

<3 Michelle

soundtrack rules so far.

who invited the stand-up comedian to dinner?

Adam Reed is smarter and more talented than me.

Mac Davis also performed on The Muppet Show…

watch Six Feet Under. Play & beat Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid & Earthbound. Uhhh read the 12 books on my backlog…read the 8 graphic novels on my backlog…this shit is STRESSFUL


that doesn't make any sense.

"because…boomerangs" - HAWKGUY

Russell Brand. Messiah Complex.

handsome white jesus motherfucker

please tell me someone else saw the asian twins from Observe & Report in the crowd during the Sports Sesh Christmas debacle

cool. i'm drinking and i shall watch this shortly

Bill Hader's laugh is brilliant as is his Jabba the Hutt impression. I cried laughing at that

I said "Fuck" a lot during this episode.

oh snap!

I got laid and got this for free from a LEGO store employee. Worth the gas money. Not worth 35 bucks

B- ahaaaah get fucked