Obscure Cactus

the effects aren't awful! I loved the designs

I paused the episode in Michael's office laughing at the MORE ANGELS & DEMONS posters, the faux Drive poster? & the Curious George dolls which I then uh…used a certain search engine to find that Ron Howard was a producer of the 2006 film.

I believe in our lord and savior Yeezus Christ.

Hodor! Thunder!

I'd be weary about handling paint in the garage

ascend with the robots

Godless Killing Machines.

hehe well done

theon got CRANKED as did sassy slave master.

Order 66 does not exist in any form of cannon in which you are referencing :)

I loved Tyrion & Bronn demanding details from that young lad's euphoric experience.

just load her up in the car


I can't remember if Carcetti fucked his hot campaign manager or not actually..

I want to hug Lady Stark after this episode. that bitch just stood there

I can't imagine slimy Littlefinger trying to cozy up to Sansa

Russell Brand & Adam Scott


King Kendrick

copious amounts of spunk.