That’s what I’ve heard too. I think the mid 60's iconic Lincoln Continental have similar but not quite as complex system too.
That’s what I’ve heard too. I think the mid 60's iconic Lincoln Continental have similar but not quite as complex system too.
The irony of Jalopnik pointing out Porsche’s spelling error is delicious.
One of my favorite pieces of Days Of Thunder Trivia is that the most realistic part of the movie is that there are cars that are on a track. And it pretty much ends there.
Che lost for the first time.
And he got to ride a waterslide before that!
You and me both.
What person who had seen the original Star Wars would have any opinion other than TFA was a tweak of the same plot? I enjoyed it, but it’s just a bigger death star with the same doomsday clock as the good guys try to destroy it before it can polish off the resistance.
The new GT coupe is sexy though
Scrolling through the photos quickly, the side profile is a nose job away from a 911. Sure a lot of cars look similarly, but I stopped and scrolled back up looking from the windshield back. 911 styling is no longer the butt of jokes because we’ve heard them all and they aren’t funny anymore.
Do take a good look at the criteria. The electronic doohickeys like lane keep assist also count, while not being that related to performance in a crash. That’s why a previous model fiat panda scored 0 stars while it performed decently in a crash.
It’s mostly BS as Euro NCAP now rates any car without active driver assists quite poorly. Considering the Zoe got a full five-stars in 2013, I don’t think it’s gotten markedly less safe.
I see the 4c on the slideshow cover. I see this for sale occaisoninally, and am interested enough to click on them, but always laugh at the amount people are expected for them.
It’s a cool car, but I’m not spending $65k on a used one from 2017. There are so many better options at that price.
Oh yeah? Well I haven’t enjoyed any form of recreation since my cup-in-ball toy from childhood. None of these “videographic games” can ever match the majesty and complexity of trying to catch a real rubber ball in a cup!!!
Justin however will be listed under “Weird denim choices of the early 2000's” and “Shitstain”
Ok just getting on here to say am I the only one that keeps looking at that Ashlyn Harris’s picture and keep thinking I see Patrick Swayze out of the corner of my eye?
Justin Timberlake is a shitstain for many reasons (add mocking Prince’s height to the very long list). Not wanting to be a father at 19 or 20 isn’t one of them.
Unlikely. Just look at him. Clearly a Trump in features.
Could anyone have predicted that Jimmy Fucking Fallon would somehow host the Tonight Show for [check notes] almost ten years!? He’s such an insufferable hack, who is watching him?