I love you but I've chosen hooning!

Than that person at WB is an idiot.

So she cheated on him, assaulted him in his sleep, but he is the real bad guy here?

Never watched The Majestic before but I’m enthused to do so now. Thank you for this. 

kind of the holy Trinity of internet commenters, eh?

I’m not American. You’re both a bunch of imperialist warmongers to me.

No, the people of Nanking were civilians. The people of Japan killed 200,000 of them, while raping 80,000 of them.

As others have said, when it comes to WWII war crimes, Japan really isn’t in a position to throw stones. So let them be mad at a harmless social media trend.

I'm sure that apology to Korean "comfort women" is coming any day now... 

This is what happens when you thingify an economy out of being an economy.

Today’s Mattel quotes all answer the question “how long will it take them to learn the wrong lessons from Barbie?” Less than a week.

Excuse me while I vomit. 

I like how you spend this entire article trying to blame the government, sugar lobby, and automakers for this, while burying the actual cause as a footnote at the very end

If you can make it past the first 20 minutes or so of unintentional CG hilarity, The Flash turns into one of the most enjoyable superhero movies post Endgame. Marvel or DC. I rate it as one of the best DC superhero movies period.  Definitely the best of the Snyder era.

Authoritarian responses are justified to protect public health and welfare, according to our interpretation of the 10th Amendment.

I how much reverence Tom Cruise has for the audience and his ever diligent commitment to try to provide a spectacle and an experience like no other. It’s one thing to have computer generated spectacle, and it’s a completely different thing to have Tom Cruise go out there even with stunt crews and everything else, but

Look at what the LGBT groomers have done to my dog:

It was bad, and they should feel bad. It peaked, like, eight minutes in with the Nazis on a Train setpiece.

Some of us remember the last Indiana Jones movie and aren't wasting our money again.

THANK  YOU. I know there are issues with the movie but I really think it’s disarming and fun and I hope more people find it over time.