I love you but I've chosen hooning!

BMW has historically been hilariously bad at doing halo cars - which doesn’t mean their halo cars were necessarily bad. It started with the 507, which was a flop compared to the SL. Next up the M1 that nobody wanted, then the 8 Series, the Z8, the i8 and now this thing. Of course all of the other cars have become

It does remind me a lot of the E60! People hated that car back in the day, but in fact this is one of the rare instances where a design truly has aged well. 

This. Make fun of this man all you want, but he’s not going to make that mistake a second time!

My neighbor has that car. If I remember correctly he said that if there is a leakage in the hydraulic system, you may as well replace all the tubes because it’s super hard to find out where exactly the leak is. He then made a face that looked like Hide the Pain Harold.

I think it’s reasonable to decry the Hamas atrocities of October 7 as well as criticizing Israel’s response to them. We also shouldn’t blindly believe everything that comes from Israeli channels and take Hamas issued statements about death tolls etc with a huge grain of salt. Both have lied in the past, yet Israel is

Bremsklotz is fairly short for our standards, but Bremsklotzverschleißerscheinungen is more like it.

Indiana Jones and the Tide of Truth

Yet people are talking about it. 

There was actually one thing that made me absolutely mad in TFA and that was the opening scene where Max von Sydow says “This will begin to make things right”. A not so hidden dig at the prequel trilogy. The fucking nerve of JJ Abrams.

My boy, we were pilgrims in an unholy land.

Yeah but back in the day people would answer to that with “The prequels did something different and look how that turned out”. Ironically, it is due to the ST that the PT is now more beloved than when it came out. 

Back in the day everybody was so high on squee and fan-service, especially on io9. I remember that I got a lot of flack from different users for saying that TFA was a stale rehash and that I am very skeptic about the quality of the ST. 

His real arc was the friends he made along the way.

BMW PHEVs have their charge port placement around the driver’s side front wheel and I fucking hate it. You sometimes have people parking half a meter from the curb, which means that you got a big expensive thing sticking out of your car that I might inadvertently touch with my vehicle.

Just looked at the new AMG GT Coupe and holy smokes, I first thought this was the new 911 from behind.

Ah that’s the context I needed. At first it looked like the Zoe had a zero star rating from the get go.

I don’t know if you have seen it in person, but for me, pictures don’t do it fully justice. I’ve seen a couple of SLs in my area and I think they are quite beautiful and indeed understated.

Right? I checked today and was surprised that people ask so much money for a car that nobody wanted when it was produced. As if the people who didn’t want to pay 50k back in the day will now pay 70k for a ten year old not very beloved car. For that money people will just get a Cayman... like they did 10 years ago.

TIL... holy hell, I see the Zoe quite often on the road. Mostly driven by elderly folk but now I know that they are elderly folk with a death wish!

Way better than Shitspitter tho