I love you but I've chosen hooning!

That‘s what my ex-girlfriend said!

I have seen the new 7 a couple of times now in the realm of the life that is real and find the styling less and less off-putting. It has an oddly futuristic vibe to it and i find it more handsome than the current A8 for instance. Also the rest of the car, especially the back is very nicely looking.

MK2 quality problems? My Mk2 was a beast! Built in 1988 that motherfucker did 200.000km! Some drunken asshole crashed into it, so you couldn’t use the passenger side door any longer but apart from that, fantastic car. Oh and in the end it only ran on three of the four cylinders, but mind you, it ran!

Does anybody here need next week’s lottery numbers?

Unrelated but:

Loved the Gen 7 and was a little worried when the spyshots came out... but they didn’t do the car any justice. I think it looks fantastic.

The new “Deathstar Turbo”

Seen worse!

I had the base motorization of this car (mindblowing 102hp), yet the crazy bastard who bought this car initially chose almost every extra in the book. Computer? Check! M-mirrors? Check! Sunroof? Check!

The rich are a bunch of cry babies. Motherfuckers are part of the 1% and cry about not being loved and admired by poor people. What the fuck is wrong with them... you motherfuckers are rich and don‘t have to worry about basic shit like rent, health insurance etc. No you live in abundance, but somehow that is not

Totally my fault. I habe a friend in Ijburg with a private parking spot yet had to spent the first two days near Westerpark. Everybody told me that Ijburg is a bit far out... totally forgot that in Amsterdam 20 minutes by train to Centraal means far out. So yeah, I‘ll never do that again.

I think it would make sense for Amsterdam to outright ban cars in the city center (minus commercial cars and special needs). The whole place is so small that you can walk or take the bike anywhere. In Berlin, where I come from, that just wouldn‘t be feasible.

I drove to Amsterdam from Berlin a couple of weeks ago. As a Autobahn veteran I was perplexed by 5 lane highways. Like where am I supposed to drive? But driving in the Netherlands is very nice. The thing that sucks is parking, 150€ for two days not even in the city center of Amsterdam?!

I drive my kids to school in these trucks

Jalopnik, where you come for the cars but stay for the very enlightening comments of people who generally seem to know what‘s up.

It‘s as if the designer wanted to make three cars but was told that he could only make one. So he smushed them all together...

That’s why the project was eventually bagged.

I don’t know man, a modern Lamborghini that is in fact classy looking and not a total douche-mobile... I just don’t know...

3rd Gear: As a huge BMW fanboy, it saddens me to say this, but.... this is not going to end well for the company. They’re probably going to get bought up by a Chinese company in the next decade. They’re “One Platform Fits All” approach may be good from an accountants perspective, but will it allow for more competitive

Holy shit, that would put a perfect spin on the story.