Disagree, for what it is and for this price especially it is definitely NP!
Disagree, for what it is and for this price especially it is definitely NP!
The only good Brosnan Bond is Goldeneye. The movie itself is a high point of 90s action, has a fantastic theme song, good villains and memorable scenes. That tank chase? Fucking brilliant!
I once did a traineeship during which I had to commute 60km back and forth between the factory and the hotel where my company set me up. They didn‘t realize that I didn‘t have a car at the time, so at first I had to use public transportation - which took me almost 2hrs for 30km, because I had to change trains 3 times…
Very balsy! I have a very hard time placing Goldfinger - great Bond, great soundtrack and great villain. I just don‘t dig the whole Fort Knox plan.
Counterpoint: The Living Daylights is easily a Top Ten Bond Film and has one of the best Bond soundtracks ever!
Insider sources tell me that when she was approached by the prosecutor, she asked to speak the manager.
Whenever there is a new crossover I feel like why would people buy this over a stretched out SAAB from the 70s?
What? You’ve never seen a chubby clown before?
Your entire last paragraph perfectly sums up the “Good guy with a gun” fantasy. Nobody can argue that movies like The Matrix or John Wick or any film in which somebody offs the bad guys with his gun do not feed the gun culture.
The has a beautiful profile, but it looks like a Ford Capri up front. Also what about that big plastic piece in the back? If it doesn‘t serve any purpose it‘s just bad design.
I also liked lots of it, though the final quarter of the film was crap. Giving Bond and Bloefeld that familiar connections was completely uncalled for. Bloefeld didn‘t need any extra motivation, dude wants to rule the world, comes up with these meticulously crafted plans and a rather brutish Bond averts them.…
I don’t say that the Sky, Solstice, G8 or Opel GT would have sold much better if GM had decided to put one of their ridiculous LS3 engines in the cars. Probably not. But it would have been way, way more interesting.
They both are.
There is one reason and reason only why I do not hate it and that’s because BMW is just trolling everybody!
This. How many times did Cadillac change its car nomenclature in the past two decades? They went from names to alpha-numerics to different alpha-numerics. Last generation was all about dynamics and sporty stuff and now they’re back-tracking on that too. Cadillac’s branding department probably consists of a bunch of…
I be the control rods will have graphite tips!
Of course it‘s good, it‘s based on Alice DJ‘ „Better off alone“.
Hiroshimalt Lager