Because you’re the hero this site deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Because you’re the hero this site deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
It’s like when Batman says he won’t kill Rhas, but doesn’t have to save him either.
Shouldn‘t the headline read „[...] has died by suicide.“ ?
Or the ugly ass front
I dislike TLJ, though I think the actual problem lies with the very unoriginal TFA rather than the sequel, which tried to steer the franchise in a new direction for good measure but forgot to advance the narrative.
This man has the correct take. E36 compacts are the best E36s out there. Period.
Yeah, I don’t get the hate either. The 316i is the slow-poke of the family (yet still a very enjoyable car to drive). The 318ti with 140hp is sufficiently powered and a very, very fun car.
Who the fuck gives an 18 year old a 300+ hp car?
He is being turned into the Ja Rule of the 2010's.
That’s a Frontschürze
Relatively indeed. I remember drug prevention speakers coming to my school, talking about the dangers of Cannabis, MDMA, Meth or Heroin use as if they were all the same. That was of course very over the top because they tried to scare us away from taking any substances.
Come on, in my book it’s a positive that relatively harmless drugs such as MDMA (as opposed to cocain, alcohol, heroin etc) aren’t being demonized anymore. I am as much for a legalization of pot, as I am for MDMA.
Man, the poor woman. She’ll probably think about the consequences her actions had and call SWAT immediately next time she sees a black family BBQ in the open.
Lighten up Francis, it was a joke. What I meant to convey though, was that there are assholes out there who treat the cars like shit and ruin the service for everyone who plays by the rules.
Car sharing, just like other forms of socialism, is brought down by assholes.
His punishment doesn‘t sound too bad. Though he probably hoped that his charges would be dropped.
Honestly, I think it looks quite good. Like a mix between a modern Rolls and a 1990s Land Rover.
You know what‘s off about this story? That there is no indication that the flight attendant was drunk or high, other than the twitter woman claiming to have overheard the word „fuck“.
This is such an American thing though, isn‘t it? Being super hyperbolic and centered on oneself.
Oh come on, you already said it was a crappy car in your first paragraph. No need to elaborate in the 2nd.... oh you mean the other trash...