I love you but I've chosen hooning!

Am I the only one who sees GOATSE in the header picture?

Audi has the highest level of semi-autonomous driving.

I’ve heard stories of people on steroids going completely crazy (roid rage). I mean, what normal person shoots somebody through a closed door?

I hope I am not mistaken, but didn’t the police find steroids in his house? Don’t steroids make you somewhat unstable?

Technically he‘s right, though. There are a bunch of countries with freedom of speech, assembly and without state-religion. However there are very, very few countries that have so few restrictions on gun ownership.

Why not 330i tho?

She’s a Hitler-quoting radical vegan gun nut WOC.

Let’s see what happens. Either Barca, Real or City are going to win the CL this year (sorry Bayern, you are the one eyed man in a league full of blind people). I think Real may have a slight advantage over City.

My favorite car in Amsterdam has always been the blue Volvo 164 that was parked around Singel Gracht.

IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS! But y‘all wouldn‘t listen. It‘s like Chad and Ray at the Detroit office stopped designing the car halfway through.

The interior is the bomb! Also digging the profile, but! Not a big fan of the front though.

I also wrote a poem:

As other’s have said already, the character interactions work quite well. There are some genuinely funny moments and (SPOILER) once Superman is resurrected, you see why Cavill was chosen for the role. The guy oozes charm, but in a boy scout kind of way. Others here have criticized the villain and they’re correct...

OP was talking about religious symbols specifically, to my knowledge Bedouin clothing is a cultural thing and not religious. Also, what she’s wearing looks like an ecclectic mix of north-african, arab and indian garb to me.

Out of curiosity, which religious symbols was she appropriating in her music video? She was riding around on a camel, wearing a green dress that looked like it could have been sold in markets from Morocco to India.

That Pick-Bug looks amazing!

Cars without B-Pillar are my spirit animal


Justin, it’s “Das” Ziel as in Das Auto or Das Boot. They got it right in the documentary.

Also, they call electronic music EDM.