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I know! Can I paste this Liz Lemon eye roll youtube link in here? Let's see if this flies ...

Outrage AND capitalization wasted on you. ;)

And I'm willing to bet one millllllion dollars, that if bigfatweirdo googles "naked disney princesses", sans "safe filter", he'd get tons of naked princesses. I'm sure there's whole websites devoted to it.

Consent. That's the difference. Children cannot consent. Other adults males can.

"We will not tolerate abuse of this nature on Twitter." Now, abuse of OTHER natures, that's still tolerated.

Without burners, the trolls would just keep setting up new yahoo or google accounts, with fake personal information.

I spent all my alt-cute tokens on Michael Cera.

Ohhhh, excellent point. And you know, I of course just checked the availability of a guy who I think is a sociopath. I'd have to include his middle initial to get it, but it might be worth it.

A guy in high school wanted to name his kid after his mom, Janet. But his girlfriend didn't like the name Janet, so they named her Tenaj (Janet backwards). Nothing like a redneck named Tenaj (pronounced tuh-naje).

Huh. Whois.com says my firstnamelastname.com is available. Only $9 to buy it. Wonder if I should. I'm almost 40 and have survived this long with a webpage, but for $9, it kind of seems like a good deal.

I know some high school kids who play volleyball. They each have their own website with videos of them playing. That way, if college recruiters are interested in them, they can just view their skills online. So, it could have some use years in the future as well (though, by that time, I'm sure there will be a much

I actually know of a kid named Kason. His parents were Kori and Jason, and they both wanted the kid named after them - - - so they frankenstein's-monstered up a name.

Honestly her husband is "pushing" a third kid. But she's definitely convinced two is enough and he's coming around slowly. They both just turned 40 and work full-time (she's a kindergarten teacher) and their other kids are 2 and 5. So, I'm sure that's part of why she's pursuing a tubal rather than pushing him to get

I hear you on boys stepping up and taking some responsibility. I've lectured my 14 year old nephew that, when the time comes, he's responsible. Even if the girl says she's on the pill, some don't take it correctly. If he doesn't want a kid, the only way he can be sure is to wear a condom (as long as it doesn't

I think people pretty much want a cup of melted ice cream. Maybe with a slight coffee flavor.

No, I didn't play the video or click on the links, but that's not surprising.

Oh my gosh yes. If you photoshopped in people of color, they'd be mortified. Then they would call them criminals and report them to CPS.

I don't agree with the book, but I gotta give props to those crazy nuts for having mommy pack heat too. I'd have guessed they would have went the more sexist route and called it "My Daddy Open Carries" (subtitled: And Protects Mommy and Me).

Ok, but that's 4% of couples who are doing it PERFECTLY. I suspect Jezebel has a pretty young audience and that some 21 year old guys probably don't do it perfectly. They just say "ok, I'll pull out", and if not done right, that 4% statistic goes out the window (I know quite of quite a few "pull out pregnancies").

Perhaps paying $400 a month is what makes it so easy to get. You're paying for easy access (and little to no supervision it sounds like - according to amycee's post). You went the more legitimate, safer route, which costs less.