1992 Buick Regal. The battery was underneath the window washer fluid reservoir.
1992 Buick Regal. The battery was underneath the window washer fluid reservoir.
I like the humble little ScanGauge II that’s always connected in my 20-year-old 4x4. It’s nice to be able to switch to see water temp or amps or whatever to keep an eye on things when they seem like they’re getting a little old and “iffy.” Plus I like the feature where it’s an *accurate* speedometer by using the % mult…
“Dead or alive, you’re coming with me.” --Robocab
An elaborate knot is not needed as a door pull. The shop where I work has 6 overhead doors all sized for semi trailers. One has the rope tied through the opening of an eyebolt which is used as a handle. The other 5 are simple knots at the end of the rope with the largest knots being about the size of a quarter. Most…
And did you see exactly where this took place? It’s infuriating. They were walking southbound at 1300 N Osage Dr, Tulsa - a tiny, TINY little residential road with no traffic.
It hasn’t helped me yet, but I installed cameras after two people re-ended me in traffic and drove off at high speed a couple years ago. (Texting in stop & go traffic.) Nothing has happened to me since then but I did show my footage for other crashes to the police twice. One kid crashed his older Toyota into the side…
Example of all books published in 2021:
Far away + zoom was my guess, too. I’m more curious why it has such an extremely dark window tint.
... AND her last name is Leblanc. Le Blanc in French would be The White.
The V6 & V8 from the 2010 Camaro. They moved V6s from 200 to 300 HP & V8s from 300 to 400 HP (keeping efficiencies the same) and forced other US manufacturers to catch up.
Maybe not the Catholic bible. In the South Carolina case mentioned above, the first person person turned away from the adoption agency after the ruling was denied service because she was the “wrong kind of Christian” (Catholic.) That answered my question, “If given enough power, how long will it take these people to…
LivingLaVidadidas - By 3 sizes, I wonder if the salesman was talking about the Bronco being available in 2-door and 4-door varieties and then the smaller Bronco Sport crossover (which seems like it’s going to be 4-door only.)
I’ve watched this clip 100 times and laugh every time like it’s the first.
(Full disclosure: A late model Corvette is the probable replacement for my aging 2008 Mustang GT.)
Plot twist: The cooktop runs off gasoline.
Mustang owner here - I LOL’d!* (twice)
In the words of one of America’s most prominent poets / philosophers (Weird Al Yankovic):
Hey, remember South Park Susan from 3 weeks ago? She has now been charged with misusing 911 (in addition to losing her “$125k / year” job and her apartment.) Google Susan Westwood.