
What is, at that age ?

When my dad started requiring constant care, we coordinated via the standard Google tools:

Whatever the host wants you to. Just ask, maybe make suggestions.

Just to be clear, she never was told to do that, it was not expected, nobody ever got yelled at for being sick... My bro actually did some soul-searching about why she would not wake him or her mom up and insisted to her it would have been as okay as the other times.

Would it be social suicide to just say you’re unpaid and broke ?

Am I the only one slightly bothered by all those posts advocating alcohol as some kind of well being, mental health crutch , or even just as cool ? Does a line of coke or some xanax alongside it make it even better ?

Just train the darn kid ;-p

As if they aren’t already utterly hooked on wifi !

And above all, adopt a mongrel not a pure-breed. Pure-breds often have been interbred to the point they have chronic illnesses and defects.

We still have it all over the place in France, about as much shelf space as Coke Zero.

None of the above, it’s very unique. It’s sparkly, with natural orange juice (and probably lemon or grapefruit) and quite sweet. If I had to subsitute it, I’d probably use 1/3 sweet grapefruit juice 2/3 what we in France call Limonade (soda with just sugar and a hint of lemon in it).

Again, when you’re setting up 2FA is the *only* time you can set up several devices (say, your 2nd phone, tablets...) as your authenticators: just scan the bar code on each device. Once the bar code is gone, there’s no way to get it back. I set my 2FA on at least 2 devices so I’m not in a bind if I lose/break one.

For some reason they stopped making my protein powder in coffee flavor, so I just chuck a a tablespoon of instant in it. It tastes actually better than when they did it themselves.

Also please learn greetings. Those vary hugely from country to country. Some countries (France, Netherlands,...) insist on a “Hello” before any human-to-human interaction; some don’t. I’ll say “Bonjour” to the bus driver when climbing onto even the most overcrowded urban bus, and my

This question seems utterly rhetorical... has a way to stop kids from eating their boogers been invented yet ?

I live in Provence, and there’s an interesting situation between Marseilles (where I live now) and Aix-en-Provence (where I used to live). Aix as a whole is a tourist trap. It’s a nice enough town, but extremely expensive to live in and replete with overpriced boutiques, restaurants... Marseilles has very nice spots

there’s tickles and tickles. kids love attention and play and intimacy, that’s one form of it. My nephew used to love when I chased him, and then smothered him and tickled him. That peaked around 4 I think, and completely disappeared around 8. His little brother (now 6.5) seems to be on the same pattern, but slower.

You’re not having them sign a notarized contract. Just giving them fair warning is enough: from a few meters away, jiggle your fingers while asking “who wants tickles ??”. If they give you a firm “not me” or if they really run away, that’s a no.

Don’t tickle me w/o permission either, I will pee and puke on you.

Correlation vs causality !!!!