

Guess what? Strangers’ germs won’t hurt your baby...at least, not any more than your own germs—and I’m guessing you touch, kiss, and cuddle your baby hundreds of times a day. Over-protecting children from ordinary microorganisms may reduce the ability of the child’s immune system to develop properly and is correlated

There are times when there is a hardware issue and being there is the only way to trouble shoot it, but most of the time if it’s a computer related issue try using a remote viewing program like TeamViewer (free for personal use). Trying to have someone who is not very savvy with a computer trying to describe a problem

Letting the dough rest lets the flour hydrate!

Be careful with this though, and make sure you have time for it to warm up a bit before you roll it out. I made this mistake one year. 

Not a stupid question. The simple answer is no. It would take a whole lot of devices charging off the same outlet for it to have any effect like that.

It’s really strange how people expect their bigoted beliefs to be tolerated.

Simple: spoon or fork up some of their meal and go: “Choo choo train pulling into the station... Open up! CHOO CHOO!”. If the patron turns away and/or spits up the food, you know they weren't into it. Otherwise, you just earned that 20%!

That’s really impressive. But gosh, poor thing. :( 

That depends on breed. More obscure breeds are generally better because the breeders are close-knit enough to run tight operations and don’t need to worry about maintaining a high output. Similarly, working and herding breeds seem to have more of a functional stock holding their genes together. My family’s preferred

I get sad every time I see a French Bulldog, and find it hard the believe that the owner has no idea that it has inherent respiratory problems, among other chronic issues. It’s a cruel display of human vanity.

I wish this were always true. Of the mutts and purebreds I've had, the purebreds have always been healthier and lived longer, more comfortable lives. When adopting a dog, mutt or purebred, my first thought is always: what catastrophic health problems is this dog likely to have? My last mutt was a saint in a dog's

It’s definitely good to figure out local custom with this sort of thing.

This is a big personal pet peeve of mine: I hate it when people ask me “How are you?” in passing. I don’t think they’d want to hear the actual answer, and I hate lying and saying “good” or “fine” if I’m not.

And thank your bus driver! You’re a right prick here in the UK if you don’t, and you want the driver on your side if you’re going to be anywhere more than a few days. One local driver hates tourist season, and will actively park 10-20 feet away from a standing crowd of backpackers or suitcases, just to make them drag

Used my Rudimentary Bosnian to say Dobra Don (Hello/Good Day) to a Bosnian in Afghanistan. He was surprised.

in french you can do an entire, but short conversation as...

I mean, the article didn’t use the word rape at all, so ... *shrug*.

(Pictured, hockey players with fake tips). 

1. My soon-to-be-ex wanted a second chance. I told her no, not after what you did and said. However I feel kind of guilty about it. She has also gone back to bouncing aimlessly between job to job again and I feel sorry for her.