
I did some reading last night and what it sounds like is the original Rift uses USB, which frustrated a lot of people because it meant the Rift required a lot of USB slots, more than they probably had available. This is part of the reason the Rift S went for inside-out tracking. It still requires a connection to a PC,

What’s the resolution of the Rift S though? I know it’s got the reputation of the entry level headset. And yeah I have a gaming PC, I’m running a 980 Ti 6GB, i7-3770, and 16GB DDR3-1600. Planning to upgrade some time this year to a 2080 Ti(Or Super equivalent if one shows up, if not the 2080 Ti is dropping in price to

I really want one, but my room is not conducive to room scale VR. It’s longer than it is wide, and the ceiling is slanted meaning if I move too far in one direction I knock my head off the ceiling(I am also around 5'10" so that doesn’t help.). On top of that, there is literally one outlet in this room. Everything I’m

Live action? Really? Come on, they just released those spectacular looking anime ads and instead of making a full anime, they go for live action? It’s gonna suck.

Odd, I’ve been playing Judgment since Friday. Did it only release in the US on Friday?

I was extremely excited... until they said it was multiplayer and a live service game. Then my interest in the game completely tanked. I wanted Spider-Man, but featuring the Avengers. Not “The Avengers, but played by my dumbass friends who won’t stop making fart noises and Stan Lee quotes during a serious cutscene.”

I mean, that’s kind of what they tried to rectify with Halo 4. Chief in the novels is more vocal and you get more of a sense of who he is from himself, while also getting those insights from those around him. They brought that into Halo 4. You see how others view, but then you get into his own head, how he thinks, how

Cortana calls him special because of his “luck.” That’s always been his schtick. His defining trait that set him apart from every other Spartan-II was his luck. On top of that he has the charisma of a leader which is why the Spartan-II’s all consider him their leader. Even though his teammate Fred outranks him

Just gonna throw this out there in case anyone else hasn’t already, but Ninja Theory has been developing this game in some form since 2014, Microsoft is pretty much just publishing it and letting Ninja Theory finish it instead of saying “Hey we bought you, cancel your in development project and start a new one for

The Switch Pro intrigues me because there are a lot of possibilities. There’s evidence to suggest it will have Wifi6 and Bluetooth support(5G would be nice too as future proofing.). There is also evidence to suggest it will support asynchronous compute, which the current Switch does not due to the Tegra X1 not

One can only dream, but EA has a bad habit of listening to their investors and not consumers.

For me it’s really just the exclusivity deals. Some, if not most, of the games they’ve snagged were already set to be released on Steam. Store pages were up, preorders were up, at that point the platform should be locked in. You can still release on both platforms, and anyone that buys it on the Epic Store gives the

I hope he updates it for Gathering Storm because I want to use it with the full Civ6.

So what does Reiwa translate to?

Rumors of a Dock Pro have been around since before the Switch launched. Nintendo filed a patent for a supplemental computing device, and for the Switch, it made the most sense for that SCD to come in the form of a dock. The issue with that idea is whether or not the Switch’s USB-C is capable of working with an

The OG Switch used off the shelf parts because it was mainly a proof of concept, both to themselves and to NVIDIA. They tested the market, the Switch was a massive success, beyond anyone’s expectations. Now Nintendo and NVIDIA would be on board with using more proprietary tech. A new custom Tegra chip, a better

I wouldn’t necessarily say that. The Switch Pro is likely to be more expensive than the OG Switch, so you may have to look at it a bit like this:

Nah. That’s her talking in the trailer. She talks too much for a Persona MC, and her views are not in line with that of the Phantom Thieves at all, so it doesn’t make sense for her to a playable protag.

One other thing they said is that Forge will not be available, either in the Flights or at Reach’s launch. It’s been pushed back to be developed at the same time as Halo 3 & 4's Forge modes. Theater is in the same boat.

I don’t recognize any of those people.