
It is the ideal way to do it. When you shove something like that in a players face it comes off forced and like virtue signaling on the writers part. It’s more likely to tick off your usual suspects, so it’s better to blend it in with all the other characters and not make a big deal out of it.

All I need to be happy are:

I mean, the one Tales game I’ve played and finished is Graces F, which the larger Tales fandom seems to hate while I loved it. So I probably don’t fall under that true fan banner. Played Xillia and never finished it because I got stuck on a boss, and I got Berseria, but never booted it up.

I was about to say, if you need something separate to translate it, probably not worth it. I bought Gundam 0081: Battlefield Record for PS3, but everything is in Japanese and you can’t understand what the mission objective is without understanding it so I now pretty much have a paperweight because I don’t want to find

Kind of hard to play the PS3 version when it never got a western release. I don’t think it ever even got a general English release. Like you could have imported it and played it, but you wouldn’t understand a damn thing without knowing Japanese.

I don’t care who makes it, I just need a new ZoE game. I’ve waited this long, I can wait a bit longer. And if it’s not Konami developing, there’s higher odds of contracting Yoji Shinkawa to do the character and mech designs again. Hopefully they don’t go too cartoony with the art style though. Like, ZoE was kind of

Just want to point out that Kojima was only the producer for Zone of the Enders. His name on the box is more just marketing. If Konami were to make a Zone of the Enders 3, they have the director still under their employ. I think he worked on Metal Gear Survive. That being said, mech designer Yoji Shinkawa is now with

Post-launch War Story “The Last Tiger.” I’m VERY interested in that. Though, it looked like there were less War Stories set for launch than Battlefield 1. That’s disappointing.

Except that Halo 5's multiplayer, at least custom games and Forge mode complete with a custom games browser, were brought to PC, and the upcoming Halo Infinite(Halo 6) is also slated to come out on PC alongside Xbox One.

They probably want to make sure the MCC is at fixed as it’s going to get before they try porting it to PC.

Correction, the Founder’s Edition is $1200. The price they revealed at the end of the conference was $999.99 for the 2080 Ti.

I got a little teary eyed over that music choice. Gave the speech even more weight.

Doom would be done by now if I didn’t get stuck towards what I believe to be the end of the game.

I’m honestly having a hard time deciding. I have so many games in my backlog, both old and new. Like, off the top of my head:

Oh yeah, no doubt games that target specific demographics can still attract unintended ones. There are female gamers that do not care about the fanservice in DOA Xtreme, they’re their for the beach volleyball, for the other activities. Was it intended? Likely not, but it happened.

I respect Nagoshi for targeting a specific demographic and saying he didn’t care if these other demographics didn’t buy his game. There’s way too much pandering in the current industry, trying to include everyone and creating more general experiences with toned down elements. There’s nothing wrong with targeting a

Nintendo used to be like that, but they seem to have changed their tune with the Switch.

Official Statement from Rockstar.

Expecting this game to run at anything above 60fps on consoles is a pipe dream. This was running on a PS4 Pro, as stated by Rockstar. It’s too late in development to be making vertical slices.

It’s an old-fashioned way of doing things to be sure, but it does show off a more polished game and what the player will actually get, rather than something a year out that’s far more subject to change. Especially when gamers like to nitpick the graphics and call downgrade if it doesn’t look like the initial reveal