
Do not ever, don’t, under no circumstances keep tapping your pocket to make sure that your wallet is still there. You’re just telegraphing it.

Six inches?! 

Not as good as in a dirty diaper. 

Any time the ancestors thought it’d be a great idea to pack three kids who Did. Not. Like. Each. Other. into the backseat of the car and drive a thousand miles. Which they did year after year.

But drones!!! 

You beat me to it. 

God damn! 

Seems that before I could walk, I learnt to move the stroller by bouncing. If mom was going to take here hand off of it for more'n ten seconds, it had to be tied to something. 

Whatever you posted isn't loading (this place sucks on mobile), but I'm going to assume it's George Costanza eating a Snickers with a knife and fork, so I won't bother posting it. 

The only bottle of catsup I've ever bought was for a sweet & sour recipe. Now I'm trying to find a recipe that doesn't call for it. 

Personally, I don't like consumable gifts. No matter how thoughtful they are, once they're consumed, the gifts are gone. We'll, except for the weight in certain cases. 

Whatever was left in boxes where there wasn’t enough left of any one to make a decent bowlful. Thanks, big brother!

Now would be a good time for the NIH to do away with the asinine restriction on gay and bisexual men donating blood. 

Be interesting to know if they sell off the formulas. 

When I moved out of the state without telling him, and never spoke to him again. 

But Jimmy Dore never has to say President Hillary Clinton, and that's what's important.


Call local bakeries and ask if you can buy half a cup of yeast. They’ll probably just give it to you.